
Must-Know Facts About Gestational Diabetes! Gestational diabetes affects 1 in 10 pregnancies & even increases the risk of complication. Diabetes is a condition that develops when the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin. Unlike type I and type II diabetes, gestational diabetes is caused due to physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. During pregnancy, pregnancy hormone can reduce or block the effectiveness of to be mother’s own insulin, and also coupled with other rsik factors everything from being obese, having PCOS or even having a family history of Type 2 diabetes-the insuing reistacne could pregres to the point of gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes can also pose some health risks for both baby and mother.Including breathing problems, high birth weight, and increased chances of high blood pressure and preeclampsia for mother. Following a good diet and exercise plan, gestational diabetes is temporary and also can be resolved once the baby is born. Here are some tips to maintain healthy blood sugar levels to have a happy and healthy pregnancy hindering gestational diabetes. · Have a healthy carb diet · Eat small portions · Regular exercise · Keep an eye on your blood sugar levels · Share your diagnosis with doctor