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download stuart mcrobert build muscle, lose fat, look great

Name: download stuart mcrobert build muscle, lose fat, look great
Category: Soft
Published: greentamdtumon1980
Language: English



























Moved content from the Walkthroughs page to the Documentation, then created a new Comics / Art section.
Are you new to Prince of Persia modding? Then check out this video to learn more!
Added SNES mods Time Only Knows and The Kingdom of the Dead to the Custom Levels.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added Super Adventure to the Custom Levels.
Added two more trick videos (136 and 137) to the Documentation. Also, added the new apoplexy release (version 3.7) to the Level Editors.
Added SNES mod Shadow's Story to the Custom Levels.
February 12th, 2011.
Added a new CusPop release (version 2.1) to the Other Useful Tools section.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 3.5) to the Level Editors.
Added MININIM (version 0.9.2) to Get the Games.
Uploaded the first PHP files, a CSS file, and some images.
November 13, 2014.
November 7, 2019.
Added and to Other Useful Tools.
The diffpop utility can now be downloaded via Other Useful Tools.
December 6, 2018.
The PR application can now be downloaded via Other Useful Tools.
February 7, 2013.
Added an overview of custom VDUNGEON.DAT files to the Custom Levels section.
The poplaun tool can now be downloaded via Other Useful Tools.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added 10th Dime(n)sion to the Custom Levels section.
Added a video about Prince of Persia modding to the Documentation section.
February 21, 2018.
September 16, 2013.
Added additional overviews of custom DAT files to the Custom Levels section (FAT.DAT, SHADOW.DAT, VIZIER.DAT, SKEL.DAT, PRINCE.DAT, GUARD.DAT).
Added Prince of Venus to the Custom Levels section.
Added Lost In The Forest , Lost In The Forest 2 and Lost In The Forest 3 to the Custom Levels. Lost In The Forest 2 is the first PoP2 mod that's being hosted on this website.
Added another trick video to the Documentation. Also, the Pr2LevEd level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
The Princed level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
Added Micro Palace to the Custom Levels section.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 3.0 RC3) to the Level Editors.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 3.3) to the Level Editors.
February 5, 2016.
Added DOS mod Persian Sweet Dreams to the Custom Levels.
March 31st, 2011.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
December 20, 2014.
Now allowing/processing [spoiler]. [/spoiler] BBCode in comments.
Added ten old mods to the Custom Levels ( Alternate 3 , six mods by Edward, two PoP2 sets by John, and a set by Mike). Also added a page about Cruel World to the Get the Games section.
Added the new drawmap (version 0.4) to the Other Useful Tools. Also, added Alternate Levels to the Custom Levels.
Added Mini underground to the Custom Levels section.
Added DOS mod Levels of Illusion to the Custom Levels.
Added Impossible! to the Custom Levels.
September 19, 2014.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added Training Lessons to the Custom Levels.
December 16, 2018.
September 23, 2013.
January 17, 2014.
January 16, 2016.
October 25, 2014.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 3.4) to the Level Editors.
Added Dungeon Quest to the Custom Levels section.
The pophale level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
Added an updated version of the Prince of Persia 1 Special Events document to the Documentation section.
All PoP1 for DOS music can now be downloaded as MP3s, FLACs and OGGs, via Get the Games.
November 6, 2014.
The leapop level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
February 11, 2018.
December 28, 2013.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
October 19, 2012.
April 17th, 2011.
October 24, 2015.
Improved mods.xml to also include, for each mod, .
Added SNES mod The Two Princesses to the Custom Levels.
January 12, 2017.
Added a page to search for specific tricks to the Documentation. Also, added another trick video to the Documentation.
Restyled the website using a responsive design, to make it better accessible from smartphones, while keeping hyperlinks intact to prevent link rot. Also, added a simple RSS feed, and now defaulting to httpS.
Improved mods.xml to also include, for each mod, a block and .
September 6, 2012.
September 18, 2014.
January 7th, 2012.
Added 2 new tricks (113, 114) to the Documentation.
Added two more trick videos (51 and 52) to the Documentation.
Added During Sleep 2 (Remix) to the Custom Levels.
Added Trick of Tiles to the Custom Levels.
January 13, 2013.
January 14, 2017.
February 26th, 2011.
Added SNES mod Levels of Illusion (SNES) to the Custom Levels.
October 17, 2019.
Added 11 additional events to the Modding Timeline.
Added Prince of Persia Evolution to the Custom Levels section. It is the first SNES mod that's being hosted on this website.
September 29, 2012.
February 24th, 2011.
September 25, 2015.
December 10th, 2011.
Users of this website can now upload and share SDLPoP and MININIM replay files. Visit the Custom Levels section (and individual mod pages) for more information.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 2.7) to the Level Editors.
The legbop level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
Added an updated version of the PoP1 Copy Protection document to the Documentation section.
Added King of Persia to the Custom Levels. Also added 3 new tricks (94-96) to the Documentation.
Added a document that describes the differences between the DAT files of Prince of Persia 1 versions 1.0, 1.3 and 1.4 to the Documentation.
Added Hard Jump (SuavePrince) to the Custom Levels.
Added DOS mod Temple of Chaos to the Custom Levels.
The RoomShaker II level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
January 20, 2013.
Added a page about Prince of Persia 1 tricks to the Documentation.
November 13, 2012.
September 11, 2012.
Added Ghost of Persia to the Custom Levels.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added two wallpapers to the Prince of Persia 3D page at Get the Games. Added CusPop to the Other Useful Tools section.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added DOS mod Jaffar's Resistance to the Custom Levels.
Added an updated version of the Prince of Persia 2 Special Events document to the Documentation section.
Added Popset 1 to the Custom Levels section.
Added the new poplaun (version 0.2) to the Other Useful Tools section.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.14) to Get the Games.
Added three new mods by robert ( The Vizier's Kingdom , The Castle of Dreams and The Brave Prince ) to the Custom Levels. Also added the SNES version of SmallDungMod to the Custom Levels section.
November 23, 2013.
October 21, 2016.
Added a playthrough v >Kid of Persia to the Walkthroughs section.
Added SNES Remnants and SNES Level 15 to the Custom Levels.
Added a document that describes the differences between the DAT files of Prince of Persia 2 versions IR, 1.0 and 1.1 to the Documentation.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.12) to Get the Games.
Added The Prince in the Illusion 2 to the Custom Levels.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
December 31, 2015.
Added Definition Of The Time to the Custom Levels.
Added the new PR (version 1.3.1 pre-release 2) to the Other Useful Tools section.
The apoplexy level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
September 1, 2012.
Added Battle Hardened: Nazaam's Revolt to the Custom Levels.
Added the Making Prince of Persia 3D video to the Get the Games section. Also, it's now possible for registered users to comment on Custom Levels.
February 8, 2014.
October 13, 2012.
Added Prince of Vatísion to the Custom Levels section.
Added The Prince of Persia in the Pyramid to the Custom Levels.
Added Army of Clones to the Custom Levels.
Added Potion Puzzles to the Custom Levels section. Added Jakim's Levels to the Custom Levels section.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added a document about the potions in the copy protection room to the Documentation.
Added the new PR (version 1.3) to the Other Useful Tools section. Also, added another trick video to the Documentation. Added some additional events to the Modding Timeline.
Added The Quiet Levels to the Custom Levels section. Also added some additional events to the Modding Timeline.
April 13th, 2011.
February 10th, 2011.
January 23, 2015.
September 4, 2012.
PRM (Princed Resource Manager) is now available via Other Useful Tools. Also added information about CusAsm to the Other Useful Tools section. The PrinHackEd tool can now be downloaded via Other Useful Tools.
Added The Prince in the Labyrinth to the Custom Levels.
March 11th, 2011.
December 10, 2017.
December 13, 2015.
September 26, 2019.
October 28, 2014.
Added a document about the PoP1 XML format to the Documentation.
Added the demo version of Prince of Persia 1 for DOS to the Get the Games section.
March 13th, 2011.
Added SNES mod Sword of Gold to the Custom Levels.
Added The Resurrection Of Jaffar And The Revolt Of The Guards to the Custom Levels.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.13) to Get the Games.
November 4, 2015.
Added information about the visual tricks of Repetition of Time to the Documentation.
Added Barre's Alternative , Rafay's Building and Barre's Creepy Way to the Custom Levels.
Added Dusk:Mod to the Custom Levels section.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.10) to Get the Games.
Added a new version of the PoP1 XML Format document to the Documentation.
Added 2 new tricks (110, 111) to the Documentation.
Yet another trick video has been added to the Documentation.
September 27, 2014.
Prince of Persia 2 for Mac can now be downloaded via Get the Games.
December 21, 2015.
Added 33 extra mods to the Custom Levels section.
November 21, 2016.
Added Potion of Illusion to the Custom Levels section.
February 28th, 2011.
December 22, 2016.
Added Jaffar Not Forget to the Custom Levels.
ExePack and UPackExe can now be downloaded via Other Useful Tools.
Added the new gpl2jascpal (version 0.2) to the Other Useful Tools section.
Added the new Total Pack (version 3.0b1) to the Other Useful Tools section.
Visitors can now Register accounts, Login, change their Settings, and Logout.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added 4 new tricks (89-92) to the Documentation.
Added a PoP1 FAQ/walkthrough document to the Walkthroughs. Also added A Place Of Despair to the Custom Levels section.
Added a page about Arabian Nights 2D to the Get the Games section.
Added Castle Jaffar to the Custom Levels.
December 9, 2014.
Added content to the Modding Timeline section.
Added eleven mods by robert to the Custom Levels.
Added Levels for the Brave to the Custom Levels. Also, added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.18) to Get the Games.
November 7, 2016.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added a new version of the Prince of Persia 1 Guard Types document to the Documentation.
Added a new Pr1SnesLevEd release (17 December 2012) to the Level Editors section. Information about the PoP1 Studio has been added to the Other Useful Tools. Added PoP2 Split Levels to the Custom Levels section. Also added Iso's Mod (Training Levels) to the Custom Levels.
Added a new Pr1SnesLevEd release (3 June 2015) to the Level Editors section.
Added The Princess is Mine to the Custom Levels. Also, added the new PrinHackEd release (version 2.1) to Other Useful Tools.
February 19th, 2011.
March 12th, 2011.
November 16, 2012.
Added SNES mod The Lost Bottle (Chapter 1) to the Custom Levels.
The POPMAP level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
December 30, 2015.
Added DOS mod Jaffar's Multi-Life to the Custom Levels.
September 9, 2017.
October 26, 2012.
Added two more trick videos (54 and 55) to the Documentation.
Added an e-mail service. It allows registered users to 'subscribe' to either some (via their individual pages) or all (via the Settings) mods, and subsequently receive e-mails when new comments have been added.
Added PoP2 mod ZethHolyblade's [Hardcore] PoP2 to the Custom Levels.
Added Princess of Persia to the Custom Levels.
Added a new Pr1SnesLevEd release (31 October 2012) to the Level Editors section. Also, added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added To Victory to the Custom Levels.
Added The Great Adventure to the Custom Levels section.
December 16, 2017.
February 3, 2013.
Added the Changing Prince of Persia 1 Images document to the Documentation section.
Added mk Set 4 to the Custom Levels section.
Added Mega Drive mod PoP Hack to the Custom Levels.
Added The Evil Twin to the Custom Levels.

February 17, 2016.
December 25, 2015.
Rewrote a lot of the PHP code. Also, the User Profile pages now display information.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 1.2b) to the Level Editors section.
November 24, 2015.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.11) to Get the Games.
The popyorn level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
Added Little Time to the Custom Levels.
Added an old Hungarian document to the Documentation section.
Added the Technical Information document from 1989 to the Documentation section.
Added the first mod, 4D Prince of Persia , to the Custom Levels section. Also new is the possibility to search for specific mods in the Custom Levels section.
Added SNES mod Battle Royale to the Custom Levels.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added 3 new tricks (107-109) to the Documentation.
Added Mechner's PoP2 design bible to the Documentation.
Added Prince of Persia Guard Revolt to the Custom Levels.
September 12, 2012.
Added New Mini Tricks to the Custom Levels.
Added some additional information to the Specifications of File Formats in the Documentation section.
Added a new CusAsm release (version 2.2) to the Other Useful Tools section.
Added two more trick videos to the Documentation. Added Prince of Persia: Dungeons of Hell to the Custom Levels section. Also added Into the Dungeons to the Custom Levels.
February 26, 2017.
September 14, 2013.
Added the new MININIM release (version 0.10) to Get the Games.
The Prince of Persia 3D demo can now be downloaded via Get the Games.
Added the new Total Pack (version 3.0) to the Other Useful Tools section.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.17) to Get the Games.
September 4, 2019.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 3.0 RC1) to the Level Editors.
Added another trick video to the Documentation. Also added PoP2 mod OPR to the Custom Levels.
September 13, 2013.
Added Hidden Levels to the Custom Levels.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 2.3) to the Level Editors section.
Added SNES mod Hell of a Palace to the Custom Levels.
December 23, 2018.
Added a document that describes the special events that occur in PoP1 for SNES to the Documentation.
Added a new RoomShaker release (1.80) to the Level Editors section. Also, added a new version of the Prince of Persia 1 Guard Types document to the Documentation.
Added Prince of Wateria to the Custom Levels section.
Improved the email service: the emails that subscribers receive now also mention the mod and commenter/replayer name, plus link to a new Email Service page that explains how to (un)subscribe.
Added The Tricky Tower to the Custom Levels.
Added four mods to the Custom Levels section, including Extrem2 .
Added a page about the overflow bug to the Documentation.
September 27, 2017.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.20) to Get the Games.
On 17 April 2012, Jordan Mechner released the original Apple II (6502 assembly) source code of Prince of Persia. A page about this has been added to the Get the Games section.
Added Maksi Prince to the Custom Levels section.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added DOS mod Illusions of Persia to the Custom Levels.
The lemsop level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
Yet another trick video has been added to the Documentation.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added Prince of Persia 1 for Amiga to the Get the Games section.
Added a simple overview of PoP1 for SNES passwords to Get the Games.
Prince of Persia 1 for Mac can now be downloaded via Get the Games. The PoPMap level editor (not to be confused with POPMAP ) can now be downloaded via Level Editors. Added the PoPE save file editor to the overview of SAV and HOF editors in the Other Useful Tools section. Also added cheat tool TPC to the Other Useful Tools section.
December 29, 2015.
Added Lost in Errors to the Custom Levels.
Added yet another trick video to the Documentation section.
November 3, 2012.
Added Trick Bootcamp to the Custom Levels section. It was released in 2007, but only recently resurfaced.
February 24, 2017.
Added Jaffar Not Forget 2 (The Temple of Terror) to the Custom Levels. Also, added a document that describes the regional differences between PoP1 for SNES releases to the Documentation.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
February 15, 2013.
December 6, 2015.
Added Mirages of Persia to the Custom Levels section.
January 26, 2013.
Added a new CusPop release (version 2.2) to the Other Useful Tools section.
Added a document that describes the special events that occur in PoP1 to the Documentation.
February 14, 2013.
Added SNES mod The Castle of War and DOS mod Ipank's Levels to the Custom Levels.
Added Mysterious Castle to the Custom Levels.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 2.5.1) to the Level Editors.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added Dark Shadows to the Custom Levels.
Added Persian Nightmares to the Custom Levels section.
Added Jaffar Never Dies to the Custom Levels.
Added three more trick videos (56, 57 and 58) to the Documentation.
Added an updated version of the Prince of Persia 1 Special Events document to the Documentation section.
February 23, 2015.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.18.1) to Get the Games.
Added Prince of Persia: Remix III to the Custom Levels section.
Added 56 additional events to the Modding Timeline.
Added Jaffar Is The King to the Custom Levels.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 2.0, with PoP2 support!) to the Level Editors section. (A separate news article about this, with lots of screenshots, is available here.)
Added the new Total Pack (version 3.01) to the Other Useful Tools section.
November 8, 2015.
Added a new Pr1SnesLevEd release (29 June 201 1 ) to the Level Editors section.
February 7th, 2011.
Added a new Pr1SnesLevEd release (29 May 2013) to the Level Editors section.
April 27th, 2011.
Added NESPrincEd (1.0.7) to the Level Editors. Also added Prince of Persia 1 for NES to the Get the Games section.
Prince of Persia 1 for SNES can now be downloaded via Get the Games. Also, the Pr1SnesLevEd level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
Added six more mods by Muniko to the Custom Levels. Also added Dark Castle to the Custom Levels section.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added SmallDungMod to the Custom Levels. Also added 13 new tricks (71-83) to the Documentation.
Added Story Retold to the Custom Levels.
February 25th, 2011.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.19) to Get the Games.
Added 4 new tricks (115-118) to the Documentation.
December 7th, 2011.
December 5, 2014.
December 3, 2019.
Added Damian0's Levels to the Custom Levels.
Added Potions of Delusion to the Custom Levels section. Also added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 1.9b) to the Level Editors section.
October 14, 2018.
Added a new CusAsm release (version 2.2.1) to the Other Useful Tools section.
February 12, 2015.
December 27, 2013.
April 11th, 2011.
February 12, 2017.
Added The Amazing Prince of Persia to the Custom Levels.
Added PoP and the Temple of Bird Creatures to the Custom Levels. Also added Prince of Persia During Sleep to the Custom Levels.
September 9, 2014.
November 21, 2014.
December 25, 2013.
September 14, 2014.
October 13, 2019.
Added an overview of custom KID.DAT files to the Custom Levels section.
December 4th, 2011.
Added 1 Level More to the Custom Levels.
The Princedit level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
Added two more trick videos (64 and 65) to the Documentation.
Added During Sleep 3 to the Custom Levels.
Added Battle Hardened III to the Custom Levels section.
December 11th, 2011.
Added a new version of the Prince of Persia 1 Guard Types document to the Documentation.
Added an "Other mods" page to the Custom Levels, with First One and Jaffar24's Levels .
February 5th, 2011.
Added Imprisoned. again to the Custom Levels section.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
February 14, 2015.
February 7, 2018.
Added a page about SDLPoP to the Get the Games section.
Prince of Persia 1 and 2 can now be downloaded via Get the Games. The Community Forum section now shows the forum.
October 12, 2014.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 2.2b) to the Level Editors section.
November 30th, 2011.
February 20th, 2011.
October 25, 2019.
The RoomShaker level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
Updated CusPop in the Other Useful Tools section, it can now modify even more guard details.
Added a link to Jordan's old journals to the Web Links section. Also added Jordan Mechner's drawings and rotoscoping frames for Prince of Persia 1 .
Prince of Persia 1 for FM Towns can now be downloaded via Get the Games.
Added an overview of custom VPALACE.DAT files to the Custom Levels section. Also added mods.xml, that automatically updates when mod related things change.
November 5, 2014.
The height of this website's content area now roughly matches the browser's viewport height. Also, added Trick of Through to the Custom Levels.
Added versions 1.3 and 1.4 of Prince of Persia 1 for DOS to the Get the Games section. (More than 3.5 years after 1.0 was added.) Also, added another trick video to the Documentation.
October 12, 2013.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added a basic CusAsm tutorial to Other Useful Tools. Also, added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.16) to Get the Games.
Added SNES-PC-set to the Custom Levels section. Added Kid of Persia to the Custom Levels section.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 3.1) to the Level Editors.
Added a document that describes the special events that occur in PoP2 to the Documentation.
November 22nd, 2011.
The Total Packs (PoP1, PoP2, C64) have been added to the Other Useful Tools section.
Visitors can now get a random mod and level suggestion via Custom Levels.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added a new Pr1SnesLevEd release (1 January 2016) to the Level Editors section.
December 5, 2019.
Added Pirates of Persia to the Custom Levels section. Added PoP: Tournament to the Custom Levels section.
Added 23 extra mods to the Custom Levels section.
December 12th, 2011.
November 5, 2012.
Added a package with images of all original PoP1 levels to the Get the Games section.
November 17, 2019.
Added the new PR (version 1.3.1) to the Other Useful Tools section. Also, added SNES mod Twin Brother to the Custom Levels.
Added DOS mod Red Prince to the Custom Levels.
September 23, 2012.
The lemdop level editor can now be downloaded via Level Editors.
Added Prince Fanny to the Custom Levels section.
Added SNES mod The Queen Of Light to the Custom Levels.
The gpl2jascpal application can now be downloaded via Other Useful Tools.
February 9, 2019.
Added Jaffar's Rooms to the Custom Levels. Also, has its 5 year anniversary!
Yet another trick video has been added to the Documentation.
February 6th, 2011.
Added Twisted Ideas to the Custom Levels.
Added two more trick videos (126 and 127) to the Documentation.
November 9, 2014.
Added two more trick videos (85 and 86) to the Documentation.
December 5, 2015.
October 20, 2018.
November 14, 2012.
Added The Dungeons of a Dark Magician to the Custom Levels section. It was released in 2008, but only recently resurfaced.
December 23, 2012.
Added Original Complex Version to the Custom Levels.
Added SNES mod Sunshine Remix to the Custom Levels.
Added Super Prince of Persia to the Custom Levels section.
Awesome news: David is porting the Prince of Persia for DOS disassembly to Windows and Linux (using C and SDL). A solid, open source, playable pre-release is available here.
February 5, 2018.
December 26, 2013.
Added a document about PoP1 guard types to the Documentation section.
Added another trick video to the Documentation. Also, added DOS mod Neon Persia to the Custom Levels.
February 5, 2017.
Added The Deserts of Persia to the Custom Levels. Also, added another trick video to the Documentation.
February 27th, 2011.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 2.5) to the Level Editors.
September 3, 2018.
Added Extrem to the Custom Levels section.
Added Jaffar's Island to the Custom Levels section.
Added DOS mod Little Palace to the Custom Levels.
Added The Prince in the Illusion to the Custom Levels.
November 20, 2014.
Added Secrets of the Citadel to the Custom Levels.
November 2, 2019.
September 20, 2013.
September 6, 2017.
September 26, 2017.
It is now possible to vote on Custom Levels, for both enjoyment and difficulty.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 3.0 RC2) to the Level Editors.
Added mk Set 3 to the Custom Levels section.
Sixteen additional hacks have been added to CusPop in the Other Useful Tools section: blind mode, copy protection, edges of the level, allow triggering any tile, level 1 crouching start, level 1 music, sword, the skeleton, mirror image, falling exit, falling entry, Jaffar, fix gate drawing bug, fix gate sounds bug, fix infinite down bug, allow multiple exit doors. Also, added The Persian Secret Passage to the Custom Levels.
Added four old tools (Princed Graphics Extractor, PoPTools, Record and RunPOP) to a page in the Other Useful Tools section.
Added a PoP1 to PoP2 level converter to the Other Useful Tools. Also added a SNES Password Analyser to the Other Useful Tools. Added information about SNES passwords to the Documentation.
Added the new leapop release (version 0.9b) to the Level Editors. Also, added a page about PoP for Apple II Easter eggs to the Documentation.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added During Sleep 2 (Miracles) to the Custom Levels.
Added a new Pr1SnesLevEd release (17 January 2014) to the Level Editors section.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added Prince Unique to the Custom Levels section.
The drawmap utility can now be downloaded via Other Useful Tools. Added a playthrough v >Prince of Persia 1 to the Walkthroughs section. Added the Specifications of File Formats to the Documentation section.
Added the new Total Pack (version 3.5) to the Other Useful Tools section.
Added PoP: Lost on Small Bricks to the Custom Levels section.
Added The Prince Mystery Dungeon to the Custom Levels.
Added SNES mod New SNES mod to the Custom Levels.
December 26, 2017.
Added version 1.1 of Prince of Persia 1 for DOS to the Get the Games section.
September 2, 2012.
Added a new version of the Prince of Persia 1 Guard Types document to the Documentation. Also, added some additional events to the Modding Timeline.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 3.6) to the Level Editors.
February 23rd, 2011.
Added a page about FreePrince to the Get the Games section.
Added the Special Edition of Prince of Persia to the Get the Games section.
Added an updated version of the Prince of Persia 1 Special Events document to the Documentation section.
Added a page about SAV and HOF editors to the Other Useful Tools section. It allows visitors to download PoPSGE, PoPTrain, PRINCED, Prinsav, Save Editor, Prinhof and PoP3 trainer.
Added DOS mod Original Revisited to the Custom Levels.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.09) to Get the Games. Also added another trick video to the Documentation.
September 25, 2016.
December 15, 2016.
Added Istaria's custom maps to the Custom Levels. It was released in 2008, but only recently resurfaced.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 2.6b) to the Level Editors.
Added David's Levels to the Custom Levels section. It was released in 2007, but only recently resurfaced.
February 16, 2015.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added Mysterious Castle 2 to the Custom Levels.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Prince of Persia 1 for the BK-0011M can now be downloaded via Get the Games.
Added DOS mod Lihinghntom's Palace to the Custom Levels.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 3.0) to the Level Editors.
September 22, 2019.
Prince of persia dos download.
Added another trick video to the Documentation.
Added three more trick videos (123, 124 and 125) to the Documentation.
Added Great Castle to the Custom Levels.
Added DOS mod Quest for the Sword to the Custom Levels.
Added Trick of Chomper to the Custom Levels. Also added a new version of the PoP1 XML Format document to the Documentation. And added the new apoplexy release (version 2.3.1) to the Level Editors.
Added PoP2 Tricknasium and PoP2 Parkour to the Custom Levels.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 2.4) to the Level Editors. Also added another trick video to the Documentation.
September 24, 2014.
Added the new NESPrincEd release (version 1.2.2) to the Level Editors.
November 4, 2014.
Added Babylon Tower Climb to the Custom Levels section.
Added the new SDLPoP release (version 1.15) to Get the Games. Also, added sorting options to the main overview of Custom Levels.
Added Secrets of Dungeons to the Custom Levels section.
November 3, 2014.
September 28, 2014.
Added an updated version of the Prince of Persia 1 Special Events document to the Documentation section.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 2.1b) to the Level Editors section.
February 4, 2016.
February 17, 2018.
Converted the overview of Level Editors into a table.
Added Prince of Persia Revisited to the Custom Levels. Also, the savof application can now be downloaded via Other Useful Tools.
December 5, 2018.
Added the new apoplexy release (version 3.2) to the Level Editors.
Added some additional events to the Modding Timeline. Also added the SNES version of Miracles Don't Exist to the Custom Levels section.
Added (a second mod named) Flying Prince to the Custom Levels.

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