
Best Ways to Treat Your Teeth Right

The key to making your smile most beautiful is to take care of your oral health. Broadly speaking, brushing the teeth should be part of the daily oral routine, but the benefits of good oral hygiene and treating the teeth right extend far beyond just having fresh breath. As days pass by, the enamel thins out, the exposed dentin darkens, teeth turn yellow, and gums recede, exposing the darker roots of the teeth and increasing sensitivity.

These issues can result in malnutrition, speech problems, and other difficulties in personal life. Putting time and effort into dental health can pay off in the long run. Proper dental care at home can help you avoid these issues. By following these easy steps, your teeth health can be improved and hence, the overall health improves manifold.

Oral Hygiene Techniques

1. Brushing and its technique

First and foremost, it is critical to stick to a consistent brushing schedule, which entails brushing your teeth twice daily. Brushing teeth after each shower at night and before breakfast in the morning makes for the perfect routine. Cleaning the toothbrush after every use and allowing it to air dry prevents bacterial build-up. Also, it is advisable to not share toothbrushes with anyone, even family members. It is dangerous because it makes way for dental diseases or allows bacteria to be passed on to the other person.

Herbostra Irimedadi Toothpaste is an all-natural dental care product made with Irimeda, Neem, Manjishtha, Khadira, and other powerful components. It is known to provide long-lasting protection by cleaning the teeth, strengthening the gums, and keeping them from forming decays. It doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals like Triclosan, Flouride or SLS.

Brushing Technique:

Begin by brushing your back teeth
Brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging the enamel
Brush at a 45-degree angle – the brush should be positioned against the teeth at a 45-degree angle to the gum line
Brush your tongue - lightly brush your tongue with your toothbrush
After brushing, keep your mouth clean and avoid eating for 30 minutes
Replace your toothbrush with a new one every 4-6 weeks

2. Flossing and its technique

Perform your flossing routine right before bed to remove any food and plaque that has accumulated during the day. Also, make it a habit to floss at least once a day. Flossing removes plaque and food from areas where toothbrushes cannot reach, lowering the risk of cavities and other oral conditions. It can also aid in the prevention of bad breath by removing debris and food that has lodged between the teeth.

Flossing Technique:

Remove 18 to 24 inches of dental floss and wrap the floss ends around the index and middle fingers.
Wrap the floss in a C shape around each tooth and move it back and forth in a push-pull action as well as up and down against the tooth's side
The ideal method is to gently push the floss away down to the gum line before hugging the tooth with up and down motions
It's important not to snap the floss between the teeth, since this can cause discomfort and limit the efficacy of plaque removal.

3. Mouth rinsing and its technique

Acid and bacteria are tooth enamel's worst nightmare. On the other hand, an oil pulling is enamel's best friend. Rinsing with an antimicrobial oil pulling will kill more oral bacteria, assisting in the fight against plaque by bathing the teeth in calcium and phosphate ions that help replenish tooth enamel.

Herbostra 2 in 1 Oil Pulling Mouthwash contains Sesame Oil and 25 strong herbs that assist to clean the mouth, strengthen the gums, and strengthen the teeth. It has antimicrobial characteristics to protect teeth from bacterial attacks. This unique combination of ancient substances and cutting-edge technology leaves no odor or oiliness in the mouth. It contains no synthetic fluoride or triclosan and is completely natural. It is the best Ayurvedic Mouthwash therapy you can get.

Rinsing Technique:

Swish your teeth vigorously for 30 seconds after brushing and flossing twice a day for effective results.

4. Tongue cleaning and its technique

Tongue washing has been performed for hundreds of years. Cleaning your tongue on a daily basis can help to minimize harmful bacteria in your mouth, which can cause foul breath, a coated tongue, plaque accumulation, and other oral health issues.

Tongue Cleaning Technique:

Choose a tongue scraping device. This might be made of plastic or metal. It may be bent in half to form a V shape, or it can have a rounded top handle.
Scrape the back of your tongue with your tongue scraper.
While exerting pressure, push the scraper on your tongue and slide it toward the front of your tongue.
To clean the tongue scraper, run it under warm water to remove any dirt or bacteria. During the tongue scraping, spit out any extra saliva that has accumulated.

Steps 2–5 should be repeated several times more.
Clean the tongue scraper and put it away till the next time you need it. Once or twice a day, scratch your tongue.
You can also clean your tongue with the back of your tooth brush in the same way as above or using Herbostra 2 in 1 Oil Pulling Mouthwash.

Oral Health Lifestyle
1. Follow healthy food habits

It is true that raw, gritty, and fibrous vegetables like cucumbers, apples, carrots, and lettuce help exfoliate tooth surfaces and eliminate plaque, which may cause the teeth to appear yellow. Furthermore, because crunchy meals necessitate more chewing time, they increase saliva production, which helps neutralize acids that damage the teeth.

Sugar and sweets consumption should be avoided because bacteria in the mouth require sugar to make acids that erode enamel and cause tooth damage. The demineralization process begins when teeth are exposed to sugar, and it can take up to an hour for the mouth to recover to normal, non-acidic pH levels.

2. Avoid drinking and smoking

Smoking can yellow the teeth, give terrible breathe, increase the risk of gum disease and trigger a slew of other health issues. Alcohol also erodes the enamel on the teeth’s surface, resulting in tooth loss. The combined effects of smoking and drinking are the most major risk factors for oral cancer.

3. Regularly visit dentist

Don’t wait for the problem to arise to visit the dentist. Dental professionals are trained to prevent oral diseases and find hidden problems that one may not be able to see and keep one informed of the small dental health facts that make a big difference.

4. Consume ample of water throughout the day

Last but not least, sipping water throughout the day is beneficial. Water aids in the removal of damaging food particles and other chemicals that accumulate on and between teeth. As a result, the chances of developing poor oral hygiene are considerably reduced.

Concluding Thought

So, there it is! If one maintains a consistent oral health care routine and eats a healthy diet, the teeth are more likely to stay relatively white and decay-free. Making small changes to the daily routine will greatly improve dental health. And it makes perfect sense! Give your teeth the same attention they've shown you over the years, and begin your journey toward a confident smile today.

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