Blog Posts

Achieve a Perfectly Manicured Lawn with Professional Atlanta Lawn Mowing Service

Posted by uzair on September 20, 2024 at 9:51am 0 Comments

Maintaining a beautiful and healthy lawn requires more than just watering and fertilizing. Regular mowing is crucial in ensuring your lawn stays lush, green, and attractive year-round. Many homeowners in Atlanta face the challenge of keeping their lawns in pristine condition, especially during the warmer months when grass grows rapidly. This is where a reliable Atlanta lawn mowing service comes into play,…


Connected Health And Wellness Solutions Market Size is Predicted to Witness 20.3% CAGR till 2030

Posted by sara James on September 20, 2024 at 9:48am 0 Comments

The global Connected Health And Wellness Solutions Market is anticipated to reach USD 195.26 billion by 2030 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 20.3% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The demand for wearable medical devices and …


A Program in Wonders: The Path to Spiritual Enlightenment

Posted by Khalid Shaikh on September 20, 2024 at 9:39am 0 Comments

One of many central styles of A Program in Wonders is forgiveness. The Course highlights that forgiveness is the key to delivering the ego's grasp on our minds and joining with the divine enjoy and mild within us. In the Course's structure, forgiveness isn't about condoning or overlooking wrongdoing, but about realizing the illusory character of the ego's judgments and grievances. By forgiving the others and ourselves, we release the burdens of guilt and anxiety, enabling us to see inner peace… Continue

法國精品香氛 MFK 全新淡香精「724」,一款「零負評香水」

一週7天,一天24小時,都會生活之快速不曾放慢,唯有透過刻意安排的小細節,可能是一句話,在快速變動的進程中,為自己留下些什麼;又或是依靠一縷清香,讓自己暫時跳脫現實,隨著氣味遊歷他方。 法國精品香氛 Maison Francis KurkdjianMFK) 全新推出的新香「724」就是這樣的存在。調香師Francis Kurkdjianru經常旅居世界各地,有時數週、甚至數年時間。自郊區的家鄉畢業後,巴黎便成為他的第二個故鄉,並以此為首展開了日後的豐盛旅程。曾在紐約生活和工作了五年,隨後也分別在雪梨、東京、首爾、上海、新德里、孟買、馬尼拉、吉隆坡、莫斯科、倫敦、柏林、布宜諾斯艾利斯、洛杉磯和休斯頓等大城市生活。儘管各地的文化和歷史有著不同的迷人之處,然而在他眼裡,這些城市都存在著許多共通點 —— 活力充沛、良性競爭下展現的無窮創意和令人對事物著迷的吸引力,使一切皆存在著無限可能。 MFK 724評價 Francis Kurkdjian在2009年創立的同名品牌,憑藉其偉大理想來驅使並創造出能讓每週7天,每天24小時都能享受馥郁芳香的香氛衣櫥。藉此與城市和諧共處,捕捉它獨有的魅力,並以其精髓為靈感,向世界展示不同的香氛故事。Francis Kurkdjian與時代緊貼,其香氛作品Gentle Fluidity 和 l'Homme À la rose皆充分展現了這個特點。而他無疑是個與繁華城市緊緊連結的都市旅人。 MFK 724這款創作更是他為了品嘗、感受及體驗這大城市所釋放出的精神與能量所打造出的全新香氛,靈感尤其來自於他另一個心之所向的家 —— 紐約。這款明亮、充滿活力且令人心曠神怡及著迷的淡香精,誠摯邀請香民一同生活在和諧的城市中。



轉化成名為724的香水-- 一款富含麝香及花香、專屬於城市的香氣,

每週 7 天,一天 24 小時,享受著這獨特的芳香生活。」

——(調香師Francis Kurkdjian)

香調:麝香花香 成分:醛、義大利佛手柑、抽象白花香調、埃及茉莉花原精、檀香-白麝香香調 MFK 香水 724所呈現出的層次香氣,從始至終都讓人備感舒適!以不同的白色色調交疊相融,拼湊出充滿活力且流暢的香氣。前調呈現出清新、未被定義的城市氛圍,帶給人一種乾淨、充滿朝氣的清新感覺,宛若黎明時分從紐約洗衣店裡散發出來的迷人香氣。而這種氣息來自於義大利佛手柑和隨著時間展現出不同面貌 (複雜、略帶有金屬、爽冽且熱情活力) 的醛。 中調的核心彷如一束鮮花,蘊含來自埃及的茉莉花原精、香豌豆花和山梅花所散發出的純淨透明的花香 後調則是由檀香揉合白麝香,帶有著舒適愜意的皂香,好像被洗淨的毛巾緊緊包裹般的舒適清新感。 主打白麝香香調的724,令適合城市人們使用的香氛面貌完整呈現:充滿活力卻溫柔包容,遊走其間感覺自在與舒適,反推回人身上,就是讓人如沐春風,時時刻刻都無違和感。

了解更多的香水資訊,歡迎關注MKF 台灣專櫃線上購物網站。

延伸閱讀: MFK香水推薦 MFK男香推薦 玫瑰香水推薦

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