
Hard cross between Gustavo Petro & General Zapateiro

Gustavo Petro, the presidential candidate generated a heated meeting on social media between General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro, the commanding officer of the Army, and the person who is running for the first nation post under the Historic Pact. Petro said in his post that "some general" officers were on the payroll of the Clan.

"While the soldiers are killed by the Gulf Clan, some of the generals are on the Clan's payroll. that they ascend toward the generals is the thing that causes the leadership to be corrupted" Gustavo Petro stated on social media.

General Zapateiro's response

The message prompted the Army commander to react, and in six trillions, he inquired of the presidential candidate regarding the statement.

General Zapateiro declared that no one will be more affected by the loss of a soldier than us wearing camouflage.

Francia Marquez denied owning two properties in Cali

In a second message, the senior officer talked about the many soldiers who lost their lives in recent years. "More than 500 military personnel were injured or killed since 2021. There was regarding their sacrifice. that the deaths of heroes of our country are now causing affliction which is used to create signs.

Gustavo Petro, the army commander, asked Gustavo Petro if he knew of any connections between generals or groups that are not under the law. He asked him to file an investigation.

"Senator. You should not use your investiture ("parliamentary inviolability") to try and politicize the death our soldiers. Instead, you should fulfill your civic duty of submitting a factual complaint to the

@FiscaliaCol The facts that you mention, "whoever it is", the general indicated.

He also added a second phrase: "I remind senators that they are part of the group that you dare refer to as 'drug trafficking lawmakers'. As an individual, it's crucial that you don't generalize. Be and foremost"

The most controversial statement of the official in charge was that Colombians witnessed the presidential candidate receive money "in a trash bag".

" have never seen a general on television receiving money that was stolen. General Zapateiro claimed that Colombians have seen him receive cash in a garbage bag.

And in , the official added that "to the oldest institution in this country, whose members female and male, without reservation have stood up for the democratic principles of our nation for more than 200 years, and even offered their lives for the cause to defend it, I request respect."

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