
Blog Posts


Posted by Health Pharmacie on April 26, 2024 at 7:17am 0 Comments

Benvenuti nel mercato della salute dei prodotti generici, offriamo una varietà di prodotti ai migliori tassi di sconto. Sfoglia il nostro sito Web e scegli il/i prodotto/i migliore/i più adatto a te. Di seguito è riportato un elenco di tutti i prodotti che offriamo.…



Posted by Health Pharmacie on April 26, 2024 at 7:17am 0 Comments

Benvenuti nel mercato della salute dei prodotti generici, offriamo una varietà di prodotti ai migliori tassi di sconto. Sfoglia il nostro sito Web e scegli il/i prodotto/i migliore/i più adatto a te. Di seguito è riportato un elenco di tutti i prodotti che offriamo.…


Cancer Biological Therapy Market Size, Analysis and Forecast 2031

Posted by Prajakta on April 26, 2024 at 7:17am 0 Comments

The Cancer Biological Therapy Market in 2023 is US$ 119.55 billion, and is expected to reach US$ 208.81 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 7.20%.

FutureWise Research published a report that analyzes Cancer Biological Therapy Market trends to predict the market's growth. The report begins with a description of the business environment and explains the commercial summary of… Continue


Posted by Health Pharmacie on April 26, 2024 at 7:17am 0 Comments

Benvenuti nel mercato della salute dei prodotti generici, offriamo una varietà di prodotti ai migliori tassi di sconto. Sfoglia il nostro sito Web e scegli il/i prodotto/i migliore/i più adatto a te. Di seguito è riportato un elenco di tutti i prodotti che offriamo.…


XBOBO's Blog (168)

A melhor placa Quantum que você precisa no inverno de 2020

As pessoas pulam nas tendências e ficam muito obcecadas. E poucas coisas estão tão na moda na comunidade de cultivo de cannabis quanto as lâmpadas LED de placa quântica. Em média, as luzes da placa quântica custam menos do que os LEDs ou COBs tradicionais que produzem uma saída semelhante. Sim, existem luzes muito mais baratas, mas essas luzes não chegam perto de fornecer a saída de uma placa quântica.



Added by XBOBO on August 31, 2020 at 3:55am — No Comments

Beste Quantum Board die je nodig hebt in de winter van 2020

Mensen springen in op trends en raken behoorlijk geobsedeerd. En weinig dingen zijn zo trendy in de cannabisteeltgemeenschap als kwantumbord LED-groeilampen. Gemiddeld kosten kwantumbordlampen minder dan traditionele LED's of COB's die een vergelijkbare output produceren. Ja, er zijn veel goedkopere lampen, maar die lampjes komen niet in de buurt van de output van een kwantumbord.



Added by XBOBO on August 31, 2020 at 3:51am — No Comments

Best Quantum Board you need in winter 2020

People jump on trends and get pretty obsessed. And few things are as trendy in the cannabis growing community as quantum board LED grow lights. On average, quantum board lights cost less than traditional LEDs or COBs that produce a similar output. Yes, there are far cheaper lights, but those lights do not come close to giving you the output of a quantum board.



Added by XBOBO on August 31, 2020 at 3:46am — No Comments

Rosin Press, precisamos observar 2020

A colofónia é uma forma de concentrado sem solvente, derivado da prensagem da flor de cannabis e do uso de uma combinação de calor, tempo e pressão para extrair uma substância rica em terpenos e com consistência semelhante à seiva. A colofónia é por vezes referida como ‘quebra sem solvente’ e a sua principal atração é que o processo de extração não requer solventes.

Uma prensa de breu é um equipamento usado para extrair breu. No…


Added by XBOBO on August 29, 2020 at 5:25am — No Comments

Rosin Press we moeten nota nemen van 2020

Colofonium is een vorm van oplosmiddelvrij concentraat, dat wordt verkregen door op de cannabisbloem te drukken en een combinatie van hitte, tijd en druk te gebruiken om een ​​substantie te extraheren die rijk is aan terpenen en een vergelijkbare consistentie heeft als sap. Colofonium wordt soms ‘oplosmiddelvrije shatter’ genoemd en het belangrijkste voordeel is dat het extractieproces geen oplosmiddelen vereist.



Added by XBOBO on August 29, 2020 at 5:23am — No Comments

Rosin Press we need to note 2020

Rosin is a form of solventless concentrate, which is derived by pressing the cannabis flower and using a combination of heat, time and pressure to extract a substance that is rich in terpenes and has a similar consistency to sap. Rosin is sometimes referred to as ‘solventless shatter’, and its main draw is that the extraction process doesn’t require solvents.

A rosin press is a piece of equipment…


Added by XBOBO on August 29, 2020 at 5:22am — No Comments

Benefícios do uso de lâmpadas LED suplementares em estufas

Quem precisa disso?

A iluminação complementar é uma luz artificial de alta intensidade para aproveitar o que o sol pode naturalmente fornecer. Dentro do razoável, mais luz sempre conduzirá a um crescimento mais rápido com uma qualidade superior, especialmente se a luz for de alta qualidade espectral.

A iluminação lateral ou suplementar vale a pena para os produtores de cannabis? Exemplo de duas plantas de cannabis crescendo sob uma…


Added by XBOBO on August 28, 2020 at 4:33am — No Comments

Voordelen van het gebruik van aanvullende LED-verlichting in kassen

Wie heeft het nodig?

Aanvullende verlichting is een hoge intensiteit van kunstlicht om voort te bouwen op wat de zon van nature kan bieden. In redelijkheid zal meer licht altijd leiden tot snellere groei met een hogere kwaliteit, vooral als het licht van hoge spectrale kwaliteit is.

Is zij- of aanvullende verlichting de moeite waard voor cannabistelers? Voorbeeld van twee cannabisplanten die groeien onder een…


Added by XBOBO on August 28, 2020 at 4:31am — No Comments

Benefits Of Using LED Supplemental Lights In Greenhouses

Who needs it?

Supplemental lighting is a high intensity of artificial light to build on what the sun can naturally provide. Within reason, more light will always drive faster growth at a higher quality, particularly if the light is of high spectral quality.

Is Side or Supplemental Lighting Worth It For Cannabis Growers? Example of two cannabis plants growing under an HPS grow light. When…


Added by XBOBO on August 28, 2020 at 4:28am — No Comments

Spider Farmer Quantum Board vs Mars Hydro Quantum Board avaliações

Você está considerando uma lâmpada LED Spider Farmer? Você pousou no lugar certo porque comprei um Spider Farmer grow light e testei eu mesmo. Continue lendo para mais detalhes sobre minha experiência.

Spider Farmer é um fabricante asiático de lâmpadas LED para cultivo que oferece atualmente quatro modelos de lâmpadas LED de placa quântica para uso em jardinagem interna. Os…


Added by XBOBO on August 27, 2020 at 5:36am — No Comments

Spider Farmer Quantum Board vs Mars Hydro Quantum Board beoordelingen

Overweegt u een Spider Farmer LED kweeklamp? Je bent op de goede plek beland omdat ik een Spider Farmer kweeklamp heb gekocht en deze zelf heb getest. Blijf lezen voor meer details over mijn ervaring.

Spider Farmer is een in Azië gevestigde LED-groeilicht fabrikant die momenteel vier modellen van kwantumbord-LED-groeilampen aanbiedt voor gebruik binnenshuis. De vier…


Added by XBOBO on August 27, 2020 at 5:35am — No Comments

Spider Farmer Quantum Board vs Mars Hydro Quantum Board Reviews

Are you considering a Spider Farmer LED grow light? You landed at the right place because I bought a Spider Farmer grow light and tested it myself. Keep reading for more details about my experience.

Spider Farmer is an Asia based LED grow light manufacturer currently offering four models of quantum board LED grow lights for use with indoor gardening. The four…


Added by XBOBO on August 27, 2020 at 5:32am — No Comments

Como as luzes podem crescer e substituir a luz solar

Pelo que coletamos até agora, três fatores principais relacionados à luz podem afetar o crescimento e o desenvolvimento de uma planta. Esses são:

Intensidade: quão brilhante é a luz ou quanta energia na forma de fótons está caindo na folha. Isso determina a taxa de fotossíntese. Quanto maior a intensidade, mais fotossíntese ocorre na planta.

Duração: Quanto tempo a planta recebe a luz. Ao ar livre, isso é regulado pelas estações do ano, e as plantas desenvolveram seus estágios de…


Added by XBOBO on August 26, 2020 at 5:03am — No Comments

Hoe kunnen groeilampen zonlicht vervangen?

Van wat we tot nu toe hebben verzameld, kunnen drie belangrijke factoren met betrekking tot licht de groei en ontwikkeling van een plant beïnvloeden. Dit zijn:

Intensiteit: hoe helder het licht is, of hoeveel energie in de vorm van fotonen op het blad valt. Dit bepaalt de snelheid van fotosynthese. Hoe hoger de intensiteit, hoe meer fotosynthese er in de plant plaatsvindt.

Duur: hoe lang de plant het licht ontvangt. Buiten wordt dit gereguleerd door de seizoenen en hebben planten…


Added by XBOBO on August 26, 2020 at 5:01am — No Comments

How Can Grow Lights Replace Sunlight

From what we have gathered so far, three major factors regarding light can affect the growth and development of a plant. These are:

Intensity: How bright the light is, or how much energy in the form of photons is falling on the leaf. This determines the rate of photosynthesis. The higher the intensity, more photosynthesis occurs in the plant.

Duration: How long the plant receives the light. Outdoors, this is regulated by the seasons, and plants have evolved their life stages…


Added by XBOBO on August 26, 2020 at 4:59am — No Comments

Como cultivar uma única planta de cannabis dentro de casa

Nosso guia para cultivo de cannabis em ambientes fechados ajudará a simplificar o processo para você em seções claras e fáceis de digerir, projetadas para ajudar o produtor que está começando a cultivar pela primeira vez.


A escolha é impressionante. Sativa, indica, ruderalis, qualquer número de híbridos, todos disponíveis a um clique. Você sabe o que gosta por experiência pessoal. Que linhagens se adaptaram ao seu ritmo no passado?…


Added by XBOBO on August 25, 2020 at 4:40am — No Comments

Hoe je een enkele wietplant binnenshuis kweekt

Onze gids voor het kweken van cannabis binnenshuis helpt je het proces te vereenvoudigen in duidelijke, gemakkelijk verteerbare secties die zijn ontworpen om de beginnende kweker op weg te helpen.


De keuze is duizelingwekkend. Sativa, indica, ruderalis, een willekeurig aantal hybriden, allemaal met een klik beschikbaar. U weet uit eigen ervaring wat u leuk vindt. Welke soorten hebben in het verleden in je groef gepast? Welke soorten hebben…


Added by XBOBO on August 25, 2020 at 4:38am — No Comments

How To Grow A Single Cannabis Plant Indoors

Our guide to indoor cannabis growing will help simplify the process for you into clear, easy-to-digest sections designed to help the first-time grower get started.


The choice is staggering. Sativa, indica, ruderalis, any number of hybrids, all available at a click. You know what you enjoy from personal experience. What strains have fitted your groove in the past? What strains have performed as a satisfactory medicine for your particular…


Added by XBOBO on August 25, 2020 at 4:36am — No Comments

Máquina de secar folhas portátil HerbsNOW Herb Dryer vs ECO Farm Electric Weed Dryer

As flores devidamente cultivadas, secas e curadas queimam suavemente e têm um sabor saboroso. O cheiro e o sabor vêm dos terpenos e flavonóides nos botões. Os terpenos também contribuem para os efeitos específicos da cepa. Para os botões se orgulharem, pense "baixo e lento". Secar e curar flores leva tempo e paciência, mas os botões acabados valem a espera.



Added by XBOBO on August 24, 2020 at 5:03am — No Comments

HerbsNOW Herb Dryer Portable Leaf Dryer Machine vs ECO Farm Electric Weed Dryer

Goed gekweekte, gedroogde en uitgeharde bloemen branden soepel en smaken lekker. De geur en smaak komen van de terpenen en flavonoïden in de toppen. Terpenen dragen ook bij aan de specifieke effecten van de soort. Voor toppen om trots op te zijn, denk 'laag en langzaam'. Het drogen en uitharden van bloemen kost tijd en geduld, maar de afgewerkte toppen zijn het wachten waard.



Added by XBOBO on August 24, 2020 at 4:55am — No Comments

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