

What’s The Point of 4E Wide Shoes?

If you don’t need wide shoes, you can stop reading this, but if you have wide or extra wide feet, you best pay attention. Extra-large sizes are not adequate to keep you comfortable if you have wide feet that need 4E wide shoes as well, and here’s why.

Shoe size is important, and while it is hard to find shoes in extra-large sizes, it is not the only thing that…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on October 5, 2020 at 3:53am — No Comments

Why 4E Width Shoes Matter

So you have a number of shoes that fit you well, although it may have taken you quite a bit of time to amass the collection. By amassing the collection, it might be meant that you only have a few pairs of shoes that you can cycle through on the daily simply because you wear extra large or extra wide shoes. Or, perhaps you wear extra large and extra wide shoes, in which case it’s probably been even more difficult for you to find shoes that fit you.…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on September 29, 2020 at 2:49am — No Comments

Shedding Some Light on Mens Shoes in Extra Wide (4E)

Just what extra wide is a pair of men’s shoes might be up for debate, but it’s relatively rare that you come across a pair of men’s shoes in extra wide (4E) because that is an insanely wide width.

Some would tell you that wide is anything past D, which is normal. Once you get to E, you’re at a wide, and when you get to 2E, you’re in the realm of what could…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on September 28, 2020 at 4:18am — No Comments

Where Can You Find Size 18 Men’s Shoes?

Guys with size 18 feet probably have many variations of the same question posited by the title of this article. Anyone out there who has been blessed (or cursed) with extra large feet will probably have come up against colorful roadblocks at many times in his life. Even if your particular question is one of where to find large dress shoes or large socks, these are different shades of the same color.

Think of it this way; you…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on September 21, 2020 at 2:22am — No Comments

Still Think You Don’t Need Men’s Shoes in Size 15 Wide for Dress

Those who need men’s’ shoes in size 15 wide don’t just need them on the job, in the field, and in the yard. Size 15 feet, just like extra-wide size 15 feet just seem to follow you around. You get away from them. You are what you are and you need to accommodate.

Now, while the need for work boots or hunting boots or hiking shoes or gym shoes that fit you perfectly…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on September 15, 2020 at 8:13am — No Comments

Let Your Feet Breathe with Men’s Sandals in Size 15

Perhaps you already are not in need of any convincing that you could use a pair of sandals for lounging around or to increase your comfort during the summer months. If so, then maybe your only issue is actually finding a pair of men’s sandals in size 15 to make that a reality. 

Either way, here are a couple reasons for you to let your feet breathe with a pair of…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on September 14, 2020 at 7:15am — No Comments

What You Need in Size 16 Work Boots

Chances are that if you are searching for size 16 work boots it isn’t the first time you have done so. Therefore you already know what you need in sizing and why, since smaller shoes, or boots, specifically, will not afford you the protection that you need while you’re on the job. Therefore, consider some of these features while you are shopping for size 16 work boots to see if they align with what you…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on September 1, 2020 at 4:08am — No Comments

Where Can You Find Men’s Size 15 Work Boots?

Where can you find men’s size 15 work boots? Not easily anywhere, that’s for sure. In fact, if you have size 15 feet, and we guess you do since you’re taking the time to read this, you know firsthand just how tough it is to find work boots in your size. In fact, you probably know firsthand how hard it is to find any shoes in your size, let alone work boots. Unfortunately, you may also know firsthand…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on August 27, 2020 at 6:25am — No Comments

Find Mens Extra Wide Sandals at XL Feet

Sandals are a great pair to have in your closet. With the right ones, they are comfortable and make a great option to lounge in on your casual, laid back days. If you wear extra wide shoes, there’s no better place to shop than at XL Feet.

XL Feet is a great online source for men who wear extra wide or large shoes. Sometimes it may be difficult to find a physical or online store that…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on August 17, 2020 at 5:57am — 1 Comment

The Best Online Store to Buy Extra Wide Work Boots

Wearing extra large shoes can have its pros and cons. One of the things you may find yourself struggling with is finding extra large shoes that are particularly crafted for what you need them for, an example being work boots.

Online stores like XL Feet are making it easier for men who wear big size shoes to find the perfect shoe they need for a specific occasion. If you’re looking…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on August 12, 2020 at 6:30am — No Comments

Defining Quality in Large Men’s Shoes

The things that go into defining quality for large men’s shoes are basically the same as those that define quality for other shoes, but they are still important. Since it’s harder to find large shoes in the first place, you may as well do it right the first time.



Added by ADRIAN COULTER on August 11, 2020 at 3:30am — No Comments

Find Your Wide Work Boots at XL Feet

A pair of work boots should be a staple in every man’s closet, however, if you wear extra wide shoes, you may have experienced a long struggle to find the perfect wide work boots for you.

Even for those who wear average shoe sizes, finding the best work boot can require some additional digging to make sure it satisfies your needs in terms of quality and sizing. If…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on August 7, 2020 at 7:40am — No Comments

Why Get Men’s Slippers in Size 16?

You may have wondered at some point or other, why should you get men’s slippers in size 16. Well, the first and most obvious reason for you to do so would be because you have size 16 feet, or perhaps a size or two up or down, depending on the kind of fit you like in your slippers. That much doesn’t really need to be said, but we said it, and now we can dispense with the ceremony and get into the meat…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on July 22, 2020 at 7:25am — No Comments

Why Wear Size 15 Socks?

Give us a moment to preface this article, as it might be considered misleading from the title. We are not intending to advocate for everyone to wear Size 15 Socks, as you may have imagined. If you wear a size 9, then wear size 9 socks. If you wear a size 5, then wear size 5 socks. Most of the time you probably would never have even given this a second thought anyway. Sock packages are often stamped with…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on June 23, 2020 at 3:04am — No Comments

If You Need Extra Large Men's Socks, Get Them

If you need Extra Large Men's Socks, you should get them. It might seem obvious, but there are better reasons for getting the size socks you need besides the fact that they’re well, in your size. There are quite a few practical reasons for refusing to compromise on sock size. While it might seem obvious that you need to wear shoes in your size to afford yourself the protections and supports offered by…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on June 17, 2020 at 3:39am — No Comments

Selecting Size 15 Hiking Boots

This cannot be said more directly. When picking out Size 15 Hiking Boots, fit, comfort and support are of critical importance. That cannot be underscored enough. It should be said, and repeated, and repeated, and experienced continually until it has not been forgotten.

Take a minute to reflect on the question we are about to pose. Have you ever taken a long hike and bitten off more than you can chew, for any…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on June 15, 2020 at 3:05am — No Comments

Pick up a Pair of These Mens Boots in Size 15

Your needs in boots can vary just as much as the qualities of the boots themselves. That being the case, there’s one thing that won’t change for you - your size. If you need to find mens boots in size 15, then you’re pretty much stuck at that prerequisite. Forget waterproofing, insulation, slip resistance and whatever else is important to you, because they have to be in your size. We’ll just lay this on you since no further explanation is needed. Save yourself some time and trouble and take…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on June 11, 2020 at 8:54am — No Comments

Finding Size 16 Mens Work Boots

It is more than likely that, if you work in the outdoors, your job sites are rife with occupational hazards that would do well to avoid or protect yourself against. There are all different types of personal protective equipment and these will vary depending on the nature of the job and the location. For outdoor work, a pair of good work boots is just as important as a tough, warm coat or a pair of coveralls to protect you from oil, sparks and extreme…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on June 11, 2020 at 5:17am — No Comments

Why Wear Men’s Extra Wide Slippers?

Before you get too far into this, let us preface this by saying that while this is a persuasive piece, it isn’t universally persuasive. If you have size 6 feet, you can stop reading. Actually, even if you have size 11 feet the truth is you can probably stop reading. There’s no need for you to wear, or even have Men’s Extra Wide Slippers. If you have large feet or wide feet, however, keep on…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on May 29, 2020 at 3:29am — No Comments

Get Your Size 18 Dress Shoes at XL Feet

The title says it all. Get your Size 18 Dress Shoes at XL Feet. There it is in a nutshell, truly. If you need size 18 dress shoes, then you should visit right now and get them.

‘But,’ you’re thinking, ‘I’m a size 9 like everyone else! Why should I get my size 18 dress shoes from XL Feet? I didn’t think I needed size 18 dress shoes.’…


Added by ADRIAN COULTER on May 29, 2020 at 3:29am — No Comments

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