
7 Reasons why should rely on K7 Antivirus premium

The wars of today are not fought on the borders rather on the internet. The growing incidences of cyber security threats stands as a testament to this fact. And it’d be a folly to imagine that amidst this security chaos your system and data are not vulnerable. This makes it extremely important to upgrade your defense, which in this case is the Anti-virus software. There are several services available online for free, but a premium has its own perks not to mention advanced security. A free computer antivirus edition lacks advanced functionalities. So, here we list down 7 reasons why you should upgrade your K7 antivirus to premium.

Advanced and wide range of features
A layman wouldn’t be much aware about the evolving cyber-security threats, but antivirus companies do. To tackle them K7, regularly comes up with methods for their detection. While a free version of the software would provide you with basic functionalities, it has its limitations. Real time security for pc falls under the advanced features which means a free version may not be as proactive in detection of threats.
By equipping your system with paid antivirus software can detect sophisticated attacks, unknown threats, and other malicious activities. Also, many features like built-in VPN, browsing security, password manager can be availed with K7 antivirus premium.

Enhanced efficiency with K7 antivirus premium
Why should you compromise on the system’s efficiency just because an antivirus is running in the background? Should you really wait for the scan to complete to resume your work?
We know that resource hungry antivirus for computer can slow down the system and be an actual headache. Often, the system literally comes to a halt during a scan costing you time and productivity. This isn’t an issue with K7 antivirus premium which would be running in the background with minimal draw on the system’s performance. This renders the paid version to be more efficient than their unpaid alternatives.

Better support and on-call services
One drawback of free antivirus software programs is that they come without any direct technical support. When you’re using a free version of the software, you are mostly left to the mercy of FAQs pages or user forums. Thus, remedy for your issues might not be very prompt. But a paid version gives 24/7 support via chat, call, and email. The technical support options can help you troubleshoot and get your system rid of any malware if needed. In the case of Ransomware attacks, for example, a delay in resolution can cost you heavily. So choose the premium for quick and efficient resolutions. K7 antivirus premium offers comprehensive support options for faster and efficient fixes.

K7 antivirus premium: A must for businesses
Systems used for business purposes face different threats than a personal system and hence have different security needs. In-built operating systems security might still work for personal laptops, though we advise against it, it surely doesn’t pass for business systems. Because there is a huge amount of data at risk. Additionally, an unsecured business laptop can render clients and employees vulnerable to cyber-attacks. A paid antivirus software for pc such as K7 antivirus premium can protect the whole gamut of employees and clients in enterprises- big or small. Also, it ensures comprehensive protection against the wide range of threats that are looking for one small avenue to creep in. You can ensure the protection of multiple systems with the paid version. Sometimes, the offerings are inclusive of insurance as well. So, choose a solid security software like K7 antivirus software to keep your business safe from hackers.

Superior protection for your family
Sometimes security attacks can happen via single click on a seemingly naïve link called Phishing attack. Many people especially children are not aware of these nuances about cyber security. A free antivirus software may protect one system but is it just one system that people use? Of course, not! Can one payment for the antivirus software render protection to multiple devices? With K7 antivirus premium, parental control functionality is embedded into the software. The premium version provides you with a license that can allow you to run the software on several machines. And all this with just a single payment.

Email protection with K7 antivirus premium
If one avenue must be named that has been exploited the most for launching cyber- attacks, it is unquestionably -emails. It remains one of the most exploited avenues even today as well to compromise user data via viruses, trojans, malware etc. A single click on a seemingly harmless link can start installation of a malicious software on the system. This can be effectively tackled by email security or attachment scanning that K7 antivirus premium offers. It automatically scans for viruses or other malicious software’s in the incoming messages and attachments. Also, it’ll warn you about the potential threats from the suspicious files. K7 antivirus software makes use of Bayesian filter to detect and block all emails that contain viruses, keyloggers, junks and phishing attacks.

Ease of installation and use
What qualifies an antivirus to be the best? Definitely, features matter! But so does ease of use. There are many antivirus software solutions that are features-rich but may be complicated to use. For top security you would need a top antivirus for pc that you can use well. We at K7 understand the importance of friendly user-interfaces which makes them easy to use. K7 antivirus software is designed to be simple and clear with basic set up. Even people with no technical backgrounds can easily use it owing to the user-friendly interface without alienating expert users.

Cyber threats are growing grave with each passing day. Hackers are devising new techniques to compromise data and it is time for people to revamp their security measures. One effective step could be to opt for paid version of antivirus software’s that ensures advanced protection. K7 antivirus premium offers comprehensive protection and safeguards from hacker intrusions.

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