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2.1. What are OSGi services?

A service in OSGi is defined by a standard Java class or an interface. The first step to define an OSGi service is to define the class or interface for which you want to provide a service. This is called the service interface.

As a second step you write the implementation class for the service interface.

You can register services implementations and consume existing services via the OSGi runtime. OSGi provides a central service registry for this purpose.

A service can be dynamically started and stopped, and plug-ins which use services must be able to handle this dynamic behavior. The plug-ins can register listeners to be informed if a service is started or stopped.

During the declaration of a service it is possible to specify key / values which can be used to configure the service.

It is possible to define a service ranking for a service via a service property. OSGi assigns by default a value of zero as the service ranking. The higher the ranking the better. Frameworks like the Eclipse dependency injection framework automatically inject the service with the highest service ranking.

The Constants class from the org.osgi.framework package defines the service.ranking value via the Constants.SERVICE_RANKING constant. This constant can be used to set the integer property of the service ranking.

2.2. Life cycle status for providing services

To provide a service a plug-in needs to be in the ACTIVE life cycle status of OSGi.

This requires that the service plug-in has the Activate this plug-in when one of its classes is loaded flag set in the manifest file.

2.3. Best practices for defining services

It is good practice to define a service via a plug-in which only contains the interface definition. Another plug-in would provide the implementation for this service. This allows you to change the implementation of the service via a different plug-in.

3. The OSGi declarative services functionality

3.1. Defining services the declarative way

The OSGi declarative services (DS) functionality allows you to define and consume services via metadata (XML) without any dependency in your source code to the OSGi framework. Alternatively you can also use annotations in your source code to generated this meta-data at build time automatically. This is supported as of Eclipse 4.7.

The OSGi service component is responsible for starting the service (service component). For the service consumer it is not visible if the service has been created via declarative services or by other means. Service components consist of an XML description (component description) and an object (component instance). The component description contains all information about the service component, e.g. the class name of the component instance and the service interface it provides. Plug-ins typically define component descriptions in a directory called OSGI-INF.

A reference to the component description file is entered in the MANIFEST.MF file via the Service-Component property. If the OSGi runtime finds such a reference, the org.eclipse.equinox.ds plug-in creates the corresponding service.

The following example MANIFEST.MF file demonstrates how a reference to a component definition file looks like.

Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: Service Bundle-SymbolicName: com.example.e4.rcp.todo.service Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-Vendor: EXAMPLE Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6 Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy Service-Component: OSGi-INF/service.xml

3.2. Defining OSGi services with annotations

Since Eclipse 4.7 the component description can be automatically created, based on annotations in the class. For this you must activate the corresponding setting in Window → Preferences → Plug-in Development → DS annotations.

With this setting activated in the Eclipse IDE, the IDE will generate the require meta data (component file, manifest reference, lazy flag, etc.) automatically.

3.3. Other ways to define OSGi services

The preferred way of defining OSGi services should be via annotations, as this is simpler. But you can also define the component definition file manually. The Eclipse IDE provides a wizard for creating such files via the New → Other. → Plug-in Development → Component Definition menu entry. This wizard also adds the Service-Component entry to the MANIFEST.MF file.

On the first page of the wizard, you can enter the filename of the component definition file, a component name and the class which implements the service interface. In the editor you can specify the provided and required service on the Services tab. For example, the provided service can be found under the Provided Services section.

For example assume that you want to provide a service for the ITodoService interface via the MyTodoServiceImpl class. A correctly maintained component.xml XML file would look like the following.

After the definition of the component your MANIFEST.MF file contains an entry to the service component.

Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: Service Bundle-SymbolicName: com.example.e4.rcp.todo.service Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Bundle-Vendor: EXAMPLE Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6 Require-Bundle: com.example.e4.rcp.todo.model;bundle-version="1.0.0" Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy Service-Component: OSGI-INF/component.xml

OSGi also provides a low-level API for starting, stopping and tracking services. See Section 8.1, “Using the OSGi service API” for a reference.

3.4. Required bundles

To use declarative services the following plug-ins must be available at runtime.

org.eclipse.equinox.util - contains utility classes

org.eclipse.equinox.ds - is responsible for reading the component metadata and for creating and registering the services based this information - service functionality used by declarative services

4. Setting the start level for declarative services

If you use OSGi DS services outside Eclipse RCP applications, you need to ensure that the org.eclipse.equinox.ds plug-ins is started before any application plug-in which wants to consume a service.

You can ensure this in your launch configuration by setting the auto-start field to true and the start level lower than 4 (4 is the default value) for the org.eclipse.equinox.ds plug-in

5. Using declarative services in RCP applications

The Eclipse RCP framework automatically starts the required plug-ins for using declarative OSGi service. It is not required to manually set a start level in your product configuration file.

A plug-in which provides service in an Eclipse RCP application must be in its ACTIVE life cycle status. Therefore, ensure that the Activate this plug-in when one of its classes is loaded flag is set on the MANIFEST.MF file. The DS Annotation support in Eclipse allows that this is done automatically. See Section 3.2, “Defining OSGi services with annotations” and Section 2.2, “Life cycle status for providing services” for details.

6. Tutorial: Define a declarative OSGi Service

The following will define a DS service based on the quote example. It is therefore required that you have created the "de.vogella.osgi.quote" project which contains the interface definition.

Create a new plug-in project "de.vogella.osgi.ds.quoteservice". Do not use a template, do not create an activator. Import package "de.vogella.osgi.quote" in MANIFST.MF on the tab Dependencies.

Create the OSGI-INF folder in your project. Create a new component definition as described earlier. The implementing class is de.vogella.osgi.ds.quoteservice.QuoteService which provides the service for IQuoteService.

Create the class "QuoteService" which implements the interface IQuoteService.

Open component.xml and select the tab "Source". The final result should look like the following.

Copy the "org.eclipse.equinox.ds.jar", "" and "org.eclipse.equinox.util.jar" from your Eclipse/plugin installation directory into a folder, e.g. "C:\temp\bundles\plugins" and install the bundle into your OSGi runtime via.

install file:c:\temp\bundles\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.ds.jar install file:c:\temp\bundles\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.util.jar install file:c:\temp\bundles\plugins\

Start the bundles manually so that declarative services are available.

Export your own bundle to "de.vogella.osgi.ds.quoteservice.jar". and install it via:

To check if your service was registered use the command "services". This will list all installed and available services.

If you stop / uninstall the old service provider and start the new one your service should be picked up by the consumer.

7. Tutorial: Using services via declarative services

Of course you can also define the consumption of services via DS.

Create a new plug-in "de.vogella.osgi.ds.quoteconsumer". Do not use a template, do not create an activator. Import the package "de.vogella.osgi.quote" in MANIFEST.MF on the Dependencies tab.

Create the following class.


Note that this class has no dependency to OSGi.

Create the OSGI-INF folder and create a new Component Definition in this folder.

This time we will use a service. Maintain the "Referenced Services".

Make the relationship to the bind() and bind() method by selecting your entry can by pressing the Edit button.

The result component.xml should look like:

The result MANIFEST.MF should look like:

Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: Quoteconsumer Bundle-SymbolicName: de.vogella.osgi.ds.quoteconsumer Bundle-Version: 1.0.4 Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6 Import-Package: de.vogella.osgi.quote Service-Component: OSGI-INF/component.xml

Export your plug-in and install it via: install file:c:\temp\bundles\plugins \de.vogella.osgi.ds.quoteconsumer.jar

"If you start the bundle now with "start id_of_your_bundle" you should get the feedback that the service was set and one quote should be returned

8. OSGi service low-level API

8.1. Using the OSGi service API

OSGi provides several means of declaring services. This book focus on the OSGi declarative service functionality but it is also possible to use other means for defining services. These options are depicted in the following picture. Blueprint and Declarative Services provide high level abstractions for handling services.

This chapter describes the API to work directly with OSGi services but, if you have the option, you should prefer higher level abstractions as these simplify the handling of OSGi services.

8.2. BundleContext

Access to the service registry is performed via the BundleContext class.

A bundle can define a Bundle-Activator (Activator) in its declaration. This class must implement the BundleActivator interface.

If defined, OSGi injects the BundleContext into the start() and stop() methods of the implementing Activator class.

import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; public class Activator implements BundleActivator < public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception < System.out.println("Starting bundle"); > public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception < System.out.println("Stopping bundle"); > >

If you do not have an Activator, you can use the FrameworkUtil class from the OSGi framework which allows you to retrieve the BundleContext for a class.

BundleContext bundleContext = FrameworkUtil. getBundle(this.getClass()). getBundleContext();

8.3. Registering services via API

A bundle can also register itself for the events (ServiceEvents) of the BundleContext. These are, for example, triggered if a new bundle is installed or de-installed or if a new service is registered.

To publish a service in your bundle use:

Once the service is no longer used, you must unregister the service with OSGi. OSGi counts the usage of services to enable the dynamic replacement of services. So once the service is no longer used by your implementation, you should tell the OSGi environment this by:

In the registerService() method from the BundleContext class you can specify arbitrary properties in the dictionary parameter.

You can use the getProperty() method of the ServiceReference class from the org.osgi.framework package, to access a specific property.

8.4. Accessing a service via API

A bundle can acquire a service via the BundleContext class. The following example demonstrates that.

ServiceReference> serviceReference = context. getServiceReference(IMyService.class.getName()); IMyService service = (IMyService) context. getService(serviceReference);

8.5. Low-level API vs OSGi declarative services

OSGi services can be dynamically started and stopped. If you work with the OSGI low-level API you have to handle this dynamic in your code. This make the source code unnecessary complex. If you do not handle that correctly your service consumer can keep a reference to the service and the service cannot be removed via the OSGi framework.

To handle the dynamics automatically declarative services were developed. Prefer therefore the usage of OSGi declarative services over the low-level API.

9. Tutorial: Using the OSGi service API

In the following we will define and consume a service. Our service will return "famous quotes".

9.1. Define the service interface

Create a plug-in project "de.vogella.osgi.quote" and the package "de.vogella.osgi.quote". Do not use a template. You do not need an activator. Afterwards select the MANIFEST.MF and the Runtime tab. Add "de.vogella.osgi.quote" to the exported packages.

Create the following interface "IQuoteService".

package de.vogella.osgi.quote; public interface IQuoteService < String getQuote(); >

9.2. Create service

We will now define a bundle which will provide the service.

Create a plug-in project "de.vogella.osgi.quoteservice". Do not use a template.

Select the MANIFEST.MF and dependecy tab. Add "de.vogella.osgi.quote" to the required plugins.

Create the following class "QuoteService".

Register the service in the class Activator.

package de.vogella.osgi.quoteservice; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import de.vogella.osgi.quote.IQuoteService; import de.vogella.osgi.quoteservice.internal.QuoteService; public class Activator implements BundleActivator < public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception < IQuoteService service = new QuoteService(); context.registerService(IQuoteService.class.getName(), service, null); System.out.println("IQuoteService is registered"); > public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception < > >

9.3. Install service bundles

Export your bundles and install them on your server. Start the service bundle.


Nothing fancy happens, as we are not yet consuming our service.

9.4. Use your service

Create a new plug-in "de.vogella.osgi.quoteconsumer". Add also a dependency to the package "de.vogella.osgi.quote".


Please note that we have added the dependency against the package NOT against the plugin. This way we later replace the service with a different implementation.

Lets register directly to the service and use it.

Export this bundle, install it and start and stop it. Everything work. But if you stop the service bundle then your receive an error.

The reason for this is that OSGi is a very dynamic environment and service may be registered and de-registered any time. The next chapter will use a service tracker to improve this.

9.5. Use your service with a service tracker

Declare a package dependency to the package "org.osgi.util.tracker" in your bundle.

To use this define the following class "MyQuoteServiceTrackerCustomizer"

You also need to register a service tracker in your activator of your serviceconsumer.

Export your bundle again. Start the OSGi console. Use the update command or the install command to get the new version of your bundle and start it. Once you start your service the tracker will be called and the consumer bundle will start writing messages to the console. Stop the service and verify that the consumer does not use the service anymore.

10. Bndtools

Eclipse use the PDE tooling to manage bundles. Alternatively you can use Bndtools hosted at

Please see Bndtools tutorial for an introduction.

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