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Posted by Smith on June 3, 2024 at 6:33am 0 Comments

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Prince Of Persia 3D.
My disk copy ran fine on Windows 8.1 but it only runs as a background process on Windows 10, and it won't uninstall so I can reinstall it in an attempt to fix it.
i love this game and hope that i can download it, cause i cant get it anywhere.
Yes, I'm registering interest as well. I've struggled getting POP3D to work on anything past XP over the years. The game tends to hang as the progress bar loads a level. Virtual machines are not really a solution either. GOG, we're counting on you, though I won't hold my breath - it might be an impossibility with rights, etc.
Childhood favourite. Would love to see it on GoG working on Windows 7. I still have the retail disc. The problem is that I have to run the game on my XP partition because on Windows 7 I get these massive frame drops.
GOG must get the original prince of persia trilogy on it's platform. Hell, try buying the rights from Ubisoft and make patches and mods to support it on modern systems. I'll buy that shit in a heartbeat.
This game was not so bad. It had nice features, like precise jumping, decapitations in swordfights, and original series climate. Critics demolished this game because it was made in the golden tpp 3d era, and there were many better games than PoP 3D, which was just average (but enjoyable). Please, bring it here, it's the only place where games like this can get its purgatory.
I need this so bad!
Please add this game.
Maybe they could also have gameloft remake this game in the shape of Sands of Time or Two Thrones like they did the 2D ones.
Get it on GOG for 6 bucks and I would buy it.
Honestly, if Gog managed to acquire shared rights for the original Trilogy, and patched POP 3d (Hell even gave it to NightDive), They would make millions. This game was absolutely classic.
I'd appreciate any help.
This game was way ahead of its time. But I can see this being a technical challenge. It has serious issues installing on modern platforms, and they never fully fixed the bugs (the "possession" shrine you needed for a life extender comes to mind)
I wish they would make a remake of this game using the Fex engine (a fan mode version of the Tomb Raider engine) or the Two Thrones engine and iron out the bugs. Maybe add some new levels as well as Dark World versions and secret levels like a cross over with Tomb Raider.
This game needs to be on Especially since it's so hard to get to run properly. It's too bad I sold my old Voodoo 5. :(
GoG: this game needs love. It needs love from you, and it needs love from us. It's a neat little inbetween-era gem with a moody score, grin-inducing sadism and some seriously demented level design (who can forget the shrinking potion, or discovering and riding the griffon statue, or jumping around like a maniac in the library after drinking a hidden springboard potion, or climbing the skyscraper-class dirigible that goes up and up and up for three now-loading-new-area levels before culminating in a beautifully-lit garden). It also has that classic PoP 1 & 2 style twitch combat system, supplemented with a bunch of cool I've-never-used-those-before weapons like the Snare of the Unwary Soul, Call of the Swarm, and the Dual Blades. I know that last one sounds pretty rote, but trust me, look up a screenshot of those bad boys. Loads more fun than anything in Warrior Within or Two Thrones.
Prince of Persia 3D on GOG is needed more than ever now because Microsoft dropped support the original disk's DRM and there is now no way to play the original disk without an emulator.
This is an older game than the Prince of Persia games on the GOG. It should here even just to see the gradual change and difference of the PoP games. One that has the most fantasy characters and that gives the same vibe of the original game among the series.
It is my all-time dream to be able to run this game. A forum on has a lot of people reporting and solving problems surrounding this game. Wine page also shows reports of its performance. Low framerate, bugs, compatibility issues, use of outdated/obscure solutions, inability to save keyboard settings? Sounds like a challenge!
Let's not talk about the reboot.
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This game has a terrible reputation (Yahtzee called it "a giant turd"). It's hampered by its some-would-say-archaic, but shall-we-say-deliberate pace of platforming. Much closer to the original Tomb Raider than to anything in the Sands of Time trilogy.
I'll buy it 100% on GOG! =)
I actually beat this game 3 years ago on Windows 7 64bit,with some small problems:low framerate some of the time,and the CD had to be inside all the time(Original Disk). This game is pretty good and has more to do with PoP than the SoT. I wish they would port Arabian Nights(The Dreamcast version)which I gather has faster animations(albeit not as fluid)and improved combat(So you don't spam the same left-right sword move) I may be wrong.
An old favourite that I would really like to see on GOG!
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would buy it with out question. even though got the orginal cd less than 100cm away from me i can actually see the cd case would still buy it on gog.
Keep it clean.
Community Wishlist beta.
Wow this is one of my all time favorite game. the music the atmosphere everything was so awesome in this game. Hope to see it ressurected.
Loved the demo, beat it multiple times in a row (despite running in slow motion because my machine was a bit too weak to handle it), then I tried the full version which I borrowed from a friend but I got stuck before even acquiring a weapon. Would love to give it another try.
Cmon gog this is a classic, please. Id even pay 5-10 bucks for this.

It might be better if it plays the same if not similar to Sands of Time with a classic option to play in the "Tomb Raider 4 style" with the new graphics and old level design like in Rockman Powered Up.
This game is impossible to get running in Windows 7. No, really, I tried everything. The best I could do was get it running in software rendering inside a Windows 98 virtual machine at 640x480 by 8 frames per second. This games deserves a re-evaluation, and the time is now. Let's do this.
This is really a classic and no other platform is offering it, so it's predestinated for GOG! I know that the combination of older versions of DirectX, DirectX Media and QuickTime could cause some trouble here, but it IS playable on several systems so it should be possible! Come on, guys, show what you can and revive that classic! ;-)
Such an epic game !
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