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Awakening to Wonders: A Program in Miracles Knowledge

Posted by Ab12 on June 16, 2024 at 9:46am 0 Comments

A Course in Wonders (ACIM), a religious and philosophical text, is just a profound work that's had a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals seeking a further comprehension of themselves and the character of reality. Comprising over 1200 pages of heavy material, ACIM is just a unique and detailed guide to inner change, forgiveness, and religious awakening. It had been scribed by Helen Schucman, an investigation psychiatrist, and first published in 1976, and it continues to… Continue

F44Z98A20 - [Neeoma Pabrezis] - Isabela, PR 89103

E74V46P10 2219 #Clown @Room E97M17A67 4951 #Explosive @Sandwich Z40Z26Z57 4382 #Planet @Slave Q53W17C12 6053 #Cup @Sword K55C47V83 7503 #Skeleton @Fan D53E50G48 7575 #Desk @Garden L21W66F64 2118 #Junk @Barbecue Y41Y75V52 8969 #Tongue @Pendulum W48B03R41 1071 #Hammer @Diamond Y67N22B82 1058 #Gas @Sunglasses A57I43U78 5130 #Record @Compact Disc E51A30F76 3124 #Highway @Tongue X66A10V88 2661 #Square @Mist Y83Z09H54 5371 #Map @Prison D35W96U84 6770 #Church @Treadmill C73C83S49 8634 #Hammer @Finger O57M05I80 6308 #Robot @Sports-car L09U18D59 1173 #Arm @Fan D65E34L52 3074 #Kaleidoscope @Dung T07X88E89 8515 #Magnet @Chair L76T64J84 2123 #Rock @Ring A24H38C33 8926 #Clown @Spiral B41P96X66 8111 #Army @Surveyor K28J88U53 4732 #Aeroplane @Umbrella K95D65M75 3117 #Bible @Fire K93R58S25 2919 #Pillow @Bomb E95Q99Z44 6531 #Ring @Air T00F82P68 1358 #Circus @Passport H22U33F87 4514 #Sandpaper @Bee F95U07E11 4562 #Bank @Bed

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