
Farming Simulator 15 Activation Code

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Welcome to the new generation of Farming Simulator!

With a brand new graphics and physics engine, Farming Simulator 15 offers an immense open world, 5d3b920ae0

Title: Farming Simulator 15
Genre: Simulation
Giants Software
Giants Software
Farming Simulator
Release Date: 30 Oct, 2014

English,French,Italian,German,Portuguese,Czech,Dutch,Hungarian,Japanese,Korean,Polish,Romanian,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese,Turkish

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Have lost many Friends when they found out that i bought Farming Simulator 10/10. Farming Simulator 15 is an ok game. The gameplay is credible. The physics are very much incredible. Although the person who designed the physics lives on the moon it is a rather good game. It is (except forestry) well balanced and enjoyable to a farming enthusiast. If you are willing to buy the game for it's multiplayer. Don't. You have to have friends who are willing to play for a fun multiplayer. The graphics have been improved to a high level from Farming Simulator 2013 and the content with it. The map feels small if you are driving across it at high speed. You'd probably be able to fly where you want to go with the physics. The forestry feature is OK to some extent. Trees never fall the way you want them and sometimes glitch and either fall into the ground or fire off into the stratosphere. (I have had both events occur in 24 hours of gameplay.) If you were to go straight into forestry and ignore the farming aspect of the game it would be a rather short and easy experience as you get 6x the amount of money for 2 hours of forestry than you would for 2 hours of farming. The farming aspect is almost the same as 2013; the same plants to grow, same method but with a couple new harvesters and many new tractors. The livestock feature also seems to be exactly copied over. A couple of the other new features include: tyre tracks that will follow exactly where your vehicle has been and dirt, your tractors may get dirty and grubby, but you are able to wash them with a power washer that costs 4,500. In the options, there aren't many. Although you can reset the key bindings for every key, but by default they are all the same as Farming Simulator 2013's which is a nice touch. Overall I think it is a good game and I would recommend it. If you ignore the physics and the small map then it is quite a good game. If you are unsure about getting Farming Simulator 15, buy 2013 first as it is cheaper and the only real difference is forestry. Everything else is cosmetic.. It's a life sucker.. Paved Paradise I work in a big city, glass, steel and concrete, thats my environment. Sure I live in the leafy suburbs, I see the occasional tree or patch of grass during my commute, but its quickly replaced by high rise buildings, traffic and thousands of other suited and booted clones all bustling around doing business things and generally getting in each others way. Urban Ninja To me, countryside is something you see rushing passed the window of a train, a blur of green glimpsed at the edge of my vision whilst I sit, smart phone in hand, pretending Im a ninja and that fruit is my mortal enemy. Im vaguely aware that some of the fruit Im so deftly slicing with my virtual blade could well be growing in the real world fields flashing passed the window, but only in the sense that Im also vaguely aware that Im not really a ninja. Rural Recognition Sometimes the fields change colour, yellows and browns instead of greens, different crops growing I guess but I couldnt tell you what they are. Im a little better at livestock, I can tell the difference between a cow and a chicken and I know theyre both tasty, but their journey from blissful ignorance to yummy burger is something I dont really want to think about, so I keep slicing the fruit and eating the burgers as ignorant in my own way as the cattle idly watching the train rush by. Trip to the Country Spending vacation time in the countryside provides some pretty scenery; it helps fill a rural gap in your soul. There are tractors trundling around with all sorts of alien looking machinery attached to them which probably have something to do with converting the fields full of colourful plants into what you ate for breakfast. Its all very curious in the same I dont need to know kind of way that a cow watching a train go past might be curious for a moment and then go back to eating the grass. (Do cows eat grass or is that sheep?) Cows Dont Eat Sheep! Sure, its a pleasant break, you come away rested and relaxed but likely still just as ignorant to the workings of the patchwork fields that made up that rural vista you enjoyed so much. This is where Farming Simulator 2015 steps in, with all its clever rural knowledge, its open world countryside to explore and a whole host of those strange Farming Machines for you to drive around, best of all, you dont need to get up at 4am and put on your wellingtons to enjoy it. (Although you can. if it makes you happy!) Pretty as a Picture The Farming Simulator franchise has been around for a while now, each iteration bringing a new open world to explore, new game mechanics and updated visuals. Im happy to say the latest outing doesnt disappoint. This is by far the most visually impressive Farming Simulator to date, the countryside is lush and colourful, the day and night cycle is suitably impressive and the vehicles are all beautifully modelled. (I used to think that if youd seen one tractor, youd seen them all not so!) Lets Get Physical Physics in the game have been updated too, this time around your vehicles will leave deep tire tracks in the mud, ploughing and tilling soil will create troughs and ridges that you dont want to get stuck in, were not talking Spintires levels of muddy terrain here, but enough for you to notice its impact, The physics in Farming Simulator 2015 really do help add to the sense of realism when driving around in the world. And what a world it is, you get two maps with the game, one in beautiful Bjornholm which contains a built in tutorial to get started working the land, the other is in wonderful Westbirdge, both maps are well designed and provide equally interesting open worlds to explore. FPS For the uninitiated to the franchise, Farming Simulator is exactly what is says on the tin, A simulation of a working farm. You start the game with your farmhouse, a few low end tractors, some basic machinery and a couple of fields. From there youll be preparing the soil, planting and harvesting a variety of different crops and either using them yourself as a resource for another farming related activity or more likely loading them onto a trailer, hooking it up to a tractor and driving it to sell at market. You can control each vehicle from a third or first person perspective depending on your preference and drive around the open map to your hearts content (or at least until you run out of petrol). You can hop out and walk around freely too. What we have here is an FPS (Farming Person Simulator). Bovine Buddies In addition to all the ploughing, seed sowing and harvesting of crops, which is much more fun than it sounds, there are several other agriculturally related activities for you try your hand at. Buying some livestock might be a good way to make some extra money; if you feel the need you could also just hang out with them in their field and watch the sun set (and if youre the person getting up at 4am with your galoshes on to play farming simulator then I expect youll also be the one who feels that particular need.) Im a Lumberjack and Im OK Forestry has been introduced officially into this 2015 instalment too, so if youve always fancied yourself as a bit of a lumberjack then you can put on your chequered shirt, (not literally, my early rising, welly wearing friend of the cows.) grab your chain saw and go ruin a trees day, no one will stop you, youve got a chainsaw! Piggy Bank So now youve dabbled in all these activities and youve got some money saved up, maybe its time to expand the business. You could buy another field or two to increase your crop rotation, you could hire some workers so you dont have to do everything yourself too. Another option might be to visit your friendly neighbourhood farming store and invest in some better machinery, your old tractor is having troubling pulling a full trailer up the hill to the silos after all. Farming Financials The business tycoon element of the game is surprisingly comprehensive, the prices your produce will fetch at market will fluctuate, if a crop isnt fetching a fair price you might be able to put it to a better use or store it in a silo and wait for the market to pick back up. The locals never run out of odd jobs for you to do either, these missions pay relatively well when youre just starting out as long as youve got the right tools for the job. 4X Thats farming simulator in a nutshell. You work the land, tend your animals, chop down the trees and try to make some honest money. Money which you can then invest in more land and more animals to make even more money, which youll need to pay for the hired help and the extra machinery needed on your growing agricultural estate. You Explore, Expand and Exploit the land, just dont mention Exterminate, it worries the cows. Escape to the Country So whether you want to enjoy the management side of the game, the free drive option of taking a tractor for a spin GTA style or just want an excuse to get up at the crack of dawn wearing nothing but wellingtons and a chequered shirt to watch the virtual sunrise with your animated cow friends, this game is for you! Farming Simulator 2015 is by far the best outing for the franchise and it really is an enjoyable, memorising game to play.. Here on my farm, just bought this new Lamborghini Mach 230 VRT here. Its fun to drive up here in the Sosnovka marshes. But you know what I like more than tractors? Cows. In fact, Im a lot more proud of these 50 new hay bales that I had to get an Ursus T-127 to hold until I mix them with the silage and straw. Its like the billionaire Warren Buffett says, the more you sow, the more you grow. Now maybe youve seen my tedder talk where I talk about how I dry and windrow 17 cubic miles of grass every day. You know, I dry and windrow 17 cubic miles of grass every day not to show off, again it's about the cows. In fact, the real reason I keep this Lamborghini Mach 230 VRT here is that its a reminder. A reminder that dreams are still possible, because it wasnt that long ago that I was in a little farmstead across the map driving a tiny little Sampo Rosenlew Comia C6 with only 185 horsepower. I didn't even have any chickens. I had no opportunities.. I've played farming simulator since FS2011 and I really have enjoyed playing both 2011 and 2013, now it's FS2015 and a lot of things has been improved. Graphics has been improved, physics has been improved so there are difference in how much load different tractors can pull. also when going uphill the speed the tractor can is slower, logging / forestry is now a part of the game and a lot of fun at least after the latest patch. Pros: Good handling Nice graphics Many Machines Improved physics Multiplayer + Dedicated server Huge modding community Cons: There are still some minor bugs awaiting to be patched Changing the "time compression" while sowing causes the fields to grow "uneven". No possiblility to changes keymapping while playing it can be frustrating to exit to main menu, and load the savegame over and over till you are happy with your bindings. Some of the great machines from FS2013 has not made it to FS2015 (Maybe saved for upcomming DLC's ?) Chance of being teased teased by your friends / collegues for playing it :) I don't really have any concerns which affects why one not should buy the game, just minor issues that can seem frustrating at times.. For me, the sweet spot in this game is the slow build of my farm. When I first started, I used a money hack and bought all the best machines, only to get bored of the game within a week. Then I came back to it after some time had passed, found a third party map I really liked, started a new game, and decided that's where I would "settle". Over many in-game months, I went from a few tractors to a full-scale industrial-grade operation. And therein lies the fun for me: slowly upgrading and expanding your vehicle fleet with your hard-earned cash. Going from a dinky little 90 hp tractor to a larger, more efficient 200 hp model.Mmm, bliss. Managing the farm chores and keeping an eye on the demand for your products is all part of the fun of course, but as a kid, I always wanted a video game that lets you load trucks with loaders, forklifts and excavators. As an adult, I'm overjoyed to be doing that now. While there are no excavators in the vanilla game, nor can you dig up the ground, there are some beautifully detailed excavators available from the modding community. And "excavating" a pile of corn or silage and loading it into a dump truck is a fair enough compromise. (I know there are simulators on the market that allow you to excavate and haul earth, but not a single one has been half as satisfying as this game has been.) Bottom line: this is a simulator, and as such, it's not going to convert high octane gamers. It was designed for people who like the sound and feel of heavy machinery, or the repetitive and relaxing motions of harvesting a large field, or selling a large trailer's worth of goods for an enormous profit. Giants Software knows the audience they're targeting, and does a good job of delivering what that audience wants. I guess you folks like pros and cons, so here is my list: PRO -Tons of vehicles to drive. -Lots of ways to make money (if you're patient). -Dirt and grime build-up adds to immersion; washing a vehicle can be extremely satisfying. -You could ignore the farm aspect and just call this "Logging Simulator". Logging has a steeper learning curve than farming, but is just as fun, with a lot of third party machinery out there to augment what's available in the base game. -Very detailed cabs. I play the game almost exclusively in-cab. -Functional mirrors. -Dozens, if not hundreds of hours of enjoyment possible, if you're into laid back games. CON -With the exception of the vehicles, which look exquisite, the graphics are a bit dated. -No true digging capabilities yet (though Giants software has suggested that might be coming in future releases). -Vehicles do not have gears or shifting (there are mods for that). -Vehicles only start up or power down when you enter or exit them (there are mods for that too). I was on the fence about buying this title. I just wanted to load trucks with heavy machinery, and figured you'd have to work a lot before you'd reach that point. I was right, but what I didn't anticipate was how much I enjoyed getting to that point, and going beyond it.

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