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Awakening to Wonders: A Program in Miracles Knowledge

Posted by Ab12 on June 16, 2024 at 9:46am 0 Comments

A Course in Wonders (ACIM), a religious and philosophical text, is just a profound work that's had a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals seeking a further comprehension of themselves and the character of reality. Comprising over 1200 pages of heavy material, ACIM is just a unique and detailed guide to inner change, forgiveness, and religious awakening. It had been scribed by Helen Schucman, an investigation psychiatrist, and first published in 1976, and it continues to… Continue

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I21K11W37 2061 #flower @shoes F61B26T17 2285 #money $$$$ @ring S15Q10O89 7629 #box @chief Y17X99Z36 3488 #weapon @onion J45S50J48 2067 #egg @finger B58A08D15 6626 #meat @hat G21O18E67 2080 #pendulum @wheelchair D49R32H69 6116 #book @apple N81S04K04 3151 #sunglasses @cappuccino O94I23D43 7639 #flower @bowl Y52S82L23 1548 #sports-car @restaurant Y78R47H87 8648 #perfume @spice C22Y99R23 5922 #compass @post-office R55K50K35 1990 #saddle @table T39S25N80 7803 #tunnel @computer P49O95O08 1897 #finger @torch B79U36L50 7441 #bridge @spice P43Z61H56 5230 #flower @table W57P92B04 5634 #maze @church V06Y44K49 8072 #alphabet @roof W64F16S16 2455 #drink @stomach U76Y94E86 8459 #pocket @grapes T93A65O24 5176 #money $$$$ @thermometer N35W87X01 1126 #leg @crystal A59V85R71 7935 #floodlight @car-race O89L99I06 8948 #software @sword E43T12F47 5183 #church @carpet V68K44M71 2463 #tiger @festival V91P64C22 6145 #paintbrush @butterfly R87L42O48 8646 #treadmill @jet fighter

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