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Name: ik multimedia amplitube 2+free download
Category: Free
Published: messiefronbold1976
Language: English



























Best Way to Learn C#
It is somewhat difficult to write a C# "Windows Form" application from scratch: you should probably use an "IDE" (integrated development environment). You can download the beta version of C# Express from Microsoft. Then you should get a book that leads you through generating a program via the IDE. I recommend "Programming C#", by Jesse Liberty. After a discussion of the language, he shows you step by step how to build a Windows Form Application in the IDE. The IDE generates must of the non-intuitive code for you, leaving your only task to fill in the event handlers, from the stubs it generates.
After that, and after you have learned the basics of the language, you just need to study the C# library, and the GUI toolset that comes with the IDE. There is a lot there and you will pick it up as you need it, and as curiosity leads you.
If you have studied other programming languages as well as GUI development, C# should not present much difficulty. It is just that it is so big it is sometimes hard to know where to begin. "robbiebell22" wrote in message news:6D**********************************@microsof
I have been looking all over the internet on how to learn C# .net. I have read a couple of books, lots of forums, and tutorials, but i am still at a very big loss as far as trying to write my own GUI Windows application. I was just wondering how everyone one learns C# so well that they program with it? Are there classes everyone takes? Is it done all online and through published books? I need some one on one help i think but $2000 - $10000 is a lot for trying to become a C# programmer as a hobby .
Buy a book such as Deitel's "C# A Programmer's Introduction" and do all of the excercises to learn the language using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express or Visual C# 2005 Express and SQL Server 2005 Express [1] that you can download free and which will cost about $40 each shortly after Novermber 7th when the official release of ASP.NET 2.0 occurs. Then start using the QuickStarts [2] to learn the framwork. That should be all you need for at least 6 months at a cost of one textbook.
I have been looking all over the internet on how to learn C# .net. I have read a couple of books, lots of forums, and tutorials, but i am still at a very big loss as far as trying to write my own GUI Windows application. I was just wondering how everyone one learns C# so well that they program with it? Are there classes everyone takes? Is it done all online and through published books? I need some one on one help i think but $2000 - $10000 is a lot for trying to become a C# programmer as a hobby .
Thanks for the suggestions! I will give it a try and hope that it works out. programming in .net leaves me in the wake of a huge amount of information and you guys are right it is tough to know where to start. Thanks Again, Robbie.
Buy a book such as Deitel's "C# A Programmer's Introduction" and do all of the excercises to learn the language using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express or Visual C# 2005 Express and SQL Server 2005 Express [1] that you can download free and which will cost about $40 each shortly after Novermber 7th when the official release of ASP.NET 2.0 occurs. Then start using the QuickStarts [2] to learn the framwork. That should be all you need for at least 6 months at a cost of one textbook.
I have been looking all over the internet on how to learn C# .net. I have read a couple of books, lots of forums, and tutorials, but i am still at a very big loss as far as trying to write my own GUI Windows application. I was just wondering how everyone one learns C# so well that they program with it? Are there classes everyone takes? Is it done all online and through published books? I need some one on one help i think but $2000 - $10000 is a lot for trying to become a C# programmer as a hobby .
The best way to learn C# would be to write a large application in it. You could develop an application on your own or join a project at source forge.
-- EventStudio 2.5 - Generate Sequence Diagrams in PDF and Word EMF from plain text input.
> it? Are there > published books?
Check out They publish many books online, including books from Microsoft and Wrox.
For about 10 bucks, you can read five books a month. Excellent value for your money, and your bookshelf is always up-to-date. Best thing: if you purchase a bad book once in a while-- just skip it, you can't read more than 5 books a month anyway!
I'd like to second the previous poster who suggests writing a large app in c# as the best way to learn it. There's nothing like experience. However, while you'll learn lots from a large scale project, you'll do well by picking a small scale project and taking it to fruition. The caveat is that you'll familiarise yourself with the framework, but not necessarily approach the problem optimally. For that you need to refer to your peers (or just be bloody smart, but I've not got that sorted ;)) There's an open source ide for dotnet available at if you can't get the official MS one. It includes source, but doesn't work with dotnet2 yet. The code is pretty good though. If you're planning on using your new found skills professionally I'd suggest familiarising yourself with the MS IDE. It's not entirely intuitive and could slip you up in an interview.
How is an IDE any different than. Visual Studio 2003 or 2005. I have been trying to use C# .net within VS 2003, but i get hung up on simple problems that seem to take forever to solve. I don't actually know anyone that knows C# that is willing to help. That is why i consider taking a class for some help. I have been trying to write an application to learn C#, but it seems like i do so much stuff wrong i have had to start from scratch multiple times and now i am just lost all together.
I just downloaded C# Express beta version from microsoft and hopefully by trying some stuff out i will get it better. I have read 3 or 4 different books by WROX alone and they seem so basic that i can't even use them. The framework is so vast i don't usually know how to start because the books focus on really simple stuff.
Anyways, thanks for the input. I will keep on trying.
I'd like to second the previous poster who suggests writing a large app in c# as the best way to learn it. There's nothing like experience. However, while you'll learn lots from a large scale project, you'll do well by picking a small scale project and taking it to fruition. The caveat is that you'll familiarise yourself with the framework, but not necessarily approach the problem optimally. For that you need to refer to your peers (or just be bloody smart, but I've not got that sorted ;)) There's an open source ide for dotnet available at if you can't get the official MS one. It includes source, but doesn't work with dotnet2 yet. The code is pretty good though. If you're planning on using your new found skills professionally I'd suggest familiarising yourself with the MS IDE. It's not entirely intuitive and could slip you up in an interview.
I have been looking all over the internet on how to learn C# .net. I have read a couple of books, lots of forums, and tutorials, but i am still at a very big loss as far as trying to write my own GUI Windows application. I was just wondering how everyone one learns C# so well that they program with it? Are there classes everyone takes? Is it done all online and through published books? I need some one on one help i think but $2000 - $10000 is a lot for trying to become a C# programmer as a hobby .
I'd recommend using the newsgroups to learn - but not so much by asking questions as by answering them. That's how I learned, after reading C# in a Nutshell (which covers the basics, with a few errors unfortunately). Whenever you see a question which you think is interesting, try to answer it, by researching the answer with MSDN and Google first, writing test programs etc.
I *don't* suggest you try to write a large application to start with - I suggest you start by learning the basics with very simple console applications which do very little other than call methods within your own classes and use Console.WriteLine to print out the values of variables. Then look at the System.Collections namespace, learning about lists, dictionaries and the like. Then learn to use the System.IO namespace, reading and writing files etc. At that point you might want to move onto Windows Forms programming - but I'd recommend falling back to a console application whenever you want to learn something new which isn't directly related to GUI programming.
When you've got the basics under your belt, you could *then* start to look at putting together a larger project. I wouldn't do it until then though - you'll spend loads of time worrying over the basics, but being in over your head, unable to work out which problems are because of a lack of knowledge of the basics, and which problems are more complicated. I've seen lots of people get stuck in that kind of way.
skeet If replying to the group, please do not mail me too.
It sounds to me that you are on the right track.
Some things that I like in your post.
You keep trying to write applications. You realize that there is probably a better way each tiime. You realize that if you had an experienced .Net developer beside you, then you'd be making fast progress.
This sounds exactly like the process I went thru with learning Visual C++ 6.0 three years ago. It was a major headache, and very frustrating. Like you, I was not able to go on a course, and I did not have experienced VCPP developers to refer to, so I just had to keep going down the trial and error path. Eventually I mastered it, and became very profficient with it (it took about two years). The fruit of that experience is that when I started on C#/.Net recently, that I was able to just jump into it, and pick up everything very quickly.
Some of the things I did.
1. Focus on writing new code. Don't worry to much that you might be doing it wrong. 2. From time to time look up solutions to problems that you are having. I usually "google" with the keywords, and usually pick a solution from, or msdn. 3. When you see a better way to do something, be prepared to fully rework all of the relevant code you have written. 4. Generate lots of small projects to try out different ideas. 5. Pay close attention to the details in the solutions you find on the net. You might see ideas that experienced developers use all the time, which are "unwritten laws".
Overall, I'd focus more on progress, than on doing it perfectly, BUT, never lose your recognition that there probably is a better way, and that there are people out there who are doing it the better way.

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