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Awakening to Wonders: A Program in Miracles Knowledge

Posted by Ab12 on June 16, 2024 at 9:46am 0 Comments

A Course in Wonders (ACIM), a religious and philosophical text, is just a profound work that's had a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals seeking a further comprehension of themselves and the character of reality. Comprising over 1200 pages of heavy material, ACIM is just a unique and detailed guide to inner change, forgiveness, and religious awakening. It had been scribed by Helen Schucman, an investigation psychiatrist, and first published in 1976, and it continues to… Continue

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Z59X21Y72 4759 #Torpedo @Compass M81I01M58 6986 #Car @Boss V55H40V48 8521 #Software @Spice X77C91H83 1351 #Ice @Explosive I33Z72H13 5998 #Signature @Vulture G43R62R79 8111 #Mist @Airport J83E45Q18 8982 #Tiger @Air Q25M89H56 4074 #Ice-cream @Woman K54D97Z48 2541 #Bathtub @Pendulum T30M43W62 4700 #Guitar @Drum F16H33Y99 7665 #Flower @Plane R87K95Q60 5726 #Software @Bed M58X40O35 4712 #Family @Leather jacket C01J03T14 1048 #Tapestry @Knife G23G93K68 2660 #Television @Radar Z27C18C99 7018 #Drink @Festival C49E58A51 2342 #Airport @Game R18U33J82 4830 #Tapestry @Map D66I05E07 5406 #Boss @Microscope G10K03B47 6536 #Train @Umbrella E34G03O73 6082 #Army @Robot C97P81O11 6276 #Leather jacket @Mouth N13C91Y88 6261 #Baby @Boss P35U07P81 2846 #Fork @Book K36I76M84 6082 #Bathroom @Milkshake V13F15Z61 5102 #Chief @Fruit T84P91O17 3036 #Shoes @Gate B14N91I72 5456 #Square @Pillow B05F91V31 7191 #Air @Spoon P01E14X62 6807 #Milkshake @Spice

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