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Metal Recycling Equipment Market Revenue, Trends, Growth Factors, Region and Country Analysis & Forecast To 2033

Posted by Latest Market Trends on June 7, 2024 at 12:07pm 0 Comments

According to a recent analysis by FMI, the global metal recycling equipment market is on a trajectory towards significant expansion, targeting a valuation surpassing USD 18 billion by the year 2033. This projection marks a substantial increase from its recorded value of USD 7.26 billion in 2023 and signals a notable surge in sales compared to the USD 6.9 billion registered in 2022. The driving force behind this anticipated growth is an impressive Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.5%… Continue

Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer Market Size, Opportunities, Trends, Growth Factors, Revenue Analysis, For 2032

Posted by Latest Market Trends on June 7, 2024 at 12:02pm 0 Comments

An analysis conducted by FMI highlights the ambitious trajectory of the global regenerative thermal oxidizer market, targeting a substantial milestone exceeding USD 13 billion by the year 2032. This notable progression marks a significant departure from the market's valuation of USD 9 billion in 2021, underscoring its robust growth potential.

Initial forecasts had anticipated regenerative thermal oxidizer sales to reach USD 9.5 billion by 2022, a testament to the enduring appeal of… Continue
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