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Hydrotherapy: A Holistic Approach for Dogs with Skin Issues — The Pets Workshop

Posted by The Pets Workshop on September 19, 2024 at 1:13am 0 Comments

Dogs with sensitive skin require special care to keep them comfortable and healthy. For these pets, a combination of tailored dog spa Singapore treatments can make all the difference in their well-being. Sensitive skin often reacts to common grooming products, harsh chemicals, or even the…


Discover Diverse Indian Landscapes with Tailored Tour Packages

Posted by tableabegum on September 19, 2024 at 1:13am 0 Comments

Discover breathtaking mountain views with Himachal Tour Packages, offering a perfect escape into nature. For a serene retreat, Shimla Tour Packages provide the charm of colonial architecture and cool hills. Adventurers can explore… Continue

Real Estate Brokerage License in Dubai

Posted by Shuraa BusinessSetup on September 19, 2024 at 1:12am 0 Comments

To obtain a real estate brokerage license in Dubai, businesses must follow specific procedures, including registering with the Dubai Economic Department (DED) and obtaining approval from the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA). This license allows firms to engage in property transactions, including buying, selling, and renting real estate in the city. Shuraa Business Setup simplifies this process,… Continue

Chiropractic lancaster

Posted by goldensun on September 19, 2024 at 1:09am 0 Comments

Discover the Best Lancaster Chiropractor Services for Your Health and Wellness

When it comes to finding the best care for your musculoskeletal health, choosing a reliable Lancaster chiropractor is essential. Chiropractors in Lancaster, CA, offer comprehensive services designed to improve your overall well-being. Whether you're dealing with chronic back pain, neck stiffness, or even headaches, a skilled chiropractor near me can help you get back on track.

Why Choose a Lancaster…


Maison Margiela 花卉市場淡香水

Maison Margiela 時裝屋,由馬丁·馬吉拉(Martin Margiela)創立於1988年。 這家總部位於法國巴黎的時尚高定品牌,以摒棄單純的個性崇拜、極具前沿態度而出名,力求將時裝演繹成饒富意義的藝術。 旗下擁有多條設計系列,涵蓋成衣、高定、配飾、鞋履、珠寶、香水、室內設計等。 1994年,Maison Margiela推出了品牌首件REPLICA時裝單品。 REPLICA寓意復刻,由Maison Margiela從世界各地逐一篩選衣飾,選定他心目中「永不過時」的款式,再甄選布料來復刻這種設計。 在完好保留原版衣飾的個性與魅力的基礎上,全新復刻作品在細節上更「精工細作」,使得衣服更為實穿。 所有復刻系列,均擁有一大經典元素:REPLICA特有標籤,記載著原版衣飾的來源、功用與時期。 而這般獨特的復刻概念,也在2012年被Maison Margiela延伸至香氛的創作中。 REPLICA 香水系列,用香氣串連起嗅覺記憶,訴說著已經發生或即將發生的故事。

它集結了一眾打破傳統的香氛靈感,希望由此喚醒大眾,觸動每一個愛香人士珍貴的記憶、情緒與瞬間。 秉持Maison Margiela的簡約設計理念,REPLICA系列瓶身精巧而雅致,獻禮匠心美學。 金屬噴頭底部裹以白色編織繩,與馬吉拉時裝經典的標籤縫線有著異曲同工之妙。 純棉標籤沿襲了時裝系列的代表性風格,也定義著每支香氛。 特立獨行的無瓶蓋設計,在簡化過多材料的同時,讓重心更專注於香氛本身。 Maison Margiela 這支「花卉市場」也是我的「心頭好」,恰與春夏時分的明媚光景甚是相襯。

它的魅力在於,這香氣會讓你特別有畫面感—— 宛如闖進了各式鮮花盛開的花店或市場,滿目繽紛花材,花瓣上還掛著新鮮的水珠,空氣中縈繞芬芳而濕潤的氣息。 那是手捧大把鮮切花的水靈與通透,綠意盎然中不乏甜熟的優雅感,心情也跟著這香氣明朗了起來。

不同於某些脂粉氣的俗艷花香,「花卉市場」延續了Maison Margiela 香水 一貫的簡單純粹風格,不複雜但也不單調。

前調:綠葉、小蒼蘭、森巴茉莉 中調:埃及茉莉、晚香玉、格拉斯玫瑰 後調:桃、雪松木、橡苔 一開場,便是小蒼蘭帶來的幽幽淡香,細碎的綠葉透著青澀氣息,讓花香更溫潤動人。 中調用到了茉莉+晚香玉+玫瑰,來還原花市中各種嬌艷欲滴的花朵混合的味道。 收尾的雪松木與橡苔,讓人想起搭配花束的綠葉枝芽,甚至還有點包花紙的柔和紙香,讓花卉市場的氛圍感愈發真實而生動。

相較於「慵懶周末」乾燥粉感的中性雅緻,「花卉市場」是充滿水汽感的溫柔浪漫。 沒什麼脂粉味,而是少女感十足,用起來很減齡,可打造難以讓人抗拒的親和氣場。 透明的淡粉色香水,噴灑的瞬間,彷彿一整天的美好都被點亮了。

更多香氛資訊,歡迎關注Maison Margiela 台灣線上購物網站。




Maison Margiela 男香推薦  

Maison Margiela 香水推薦

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