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Jigs and fixture designer in Pune India

Posted by Pure Machine Design on June 8, 2024 at 5:26am 0 Comments

Locating and clamping are the critical functions of any work-holder. Fundamental principles of locating and clamping are applied while designing the Fixtures. Fixtures are custom work-holding devices used in many manufacturing operations to secure, support, and locate a work-piece. For more details you can write to [email protected] or call on +91 75880…


Recommended Fastener Manufacturer in India

Posted by Caliber Enterprises on June 8, 2024 at 5:26am 0 Comments

Caliber Enterprise is a renowned fastener manufacturer in India. We manufacture fasteners like washers, screws, nuts, and bolts. We specialize in manufacturing and providing stainless steel fasteners of any size at the lowest…

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