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Blocked Drains London

Posted by valerie37vr on June 4, 2024 at 8:47am 0 Comments

London Drains Direct provides comprehensive drain clearance services across London and the Home Counties. Enjoy peace of mind with our fixed-price quotations—no extra charges or call-out fees, just one guaranteed price. We also offer a free 'look and see' with our CCTV equipment after machinery clearance, ensuring thorough and transparent service.

Freezer Trailer Hire

Posted by valerie37vr on June 4, 2024 at 8:40am 0 Comments

Since 1997, we have provided mobile fridge and freezer trailer hire to thousands of commercial and private clients across the UK from Stretford. For secure temporary on-site refrigeration or freezing, we offer reliable, professional service with a knowledgeable and friendly team based in Manchester.
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