
A good leader is one who realises his or her own potential. Self-actualization is the ultimate level of human development; a self-actualized person is a fully functional human being.
Mr. R. Chandrasekar B.E. is a well-known business mogul in Coimbatore, as well as the best philanthropist in kongunadu region , having given his time, money, and experience to people in severe need. Recently, he has transferred the majority of his money to everybody in order for resources to be allocated to the appropriate area at the right time. He established the Alayam Welfare Trust to assist our society's most disadvantaged citizens by providing them with the services they require to live a healthy life.
In every city in India, there are slums. People who live in such slums are so impoverished and needy that our businessmen and affluent individuals rush forward to help them in their hour of need. Mr. R. Chandrasekar, a great philanthropist in kongunadu , gave as much as he could during the recent COVID-19 epidemic.
The revenues are donated to the Alayam Welfare Trust, which undertakes a number of programmes by R. Chandrashekar, the philanthropist.
In the past, I've written extensively about the traits of self-actualized people and great Tamil politicians, which may be applicable to this piece as well. However, the traits listed below are unmistakably associated with a good leader like Chandrashekar. It is worthwhile to pay attention to these and consider them before deciding on a leader.
Tamil Nadu has a good leader. He is impartial and fair. A good Tamilnadu politician does not accept and base his decisions on what is comparable to his beliefs.He makes decisions and comes up with answers by relying on trustworthy and unfiltered information. In other words, he rises above his own convictions to view events objectively when the average person does not. Furthermore, he is not biassed in favour of himself.
He is elevating himself and serving the greater good. A competent leader rises beyond his own religious or political beliefs and is not bound by any agenda. As an honest politician in Tamil Nadu, Chandrasekar's personal convictions become his private affairs, which he learns to leave at the door once he becomes leader. In other words, his belief grows to incorporate everyone else's beliefs.
Athletes with disabilities are served. Mr. R. Chandrasekar, B.E., Paralympic President of Tamil Nadu, as part of the Global Paralympic Movement, organises and motivates people to participate in competitive sporting activities by providing funds for coaching, equipment, and travel in the run-up to the Paralympic Games. He also helps identify potential paralympians and athletes.
The Tamil Nadu Paralympic Sports Association has spent the last decade entirely promoting physical exercise among Indians with impairments, especially the blind. Chandrasekar has provided invaluable assistance toTamil Nadu paralympic coach in training paralympic athletes. The Tamil Nadu Paralympic Sports Association is a member of the Indian Paralympic Committee as well as the International Paralympic Association. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India has also designated it as a national sports body.

He is not seeking fame and attention: A good politician in Tamizhagam has been able to rise above and above any egoistic and primitive urge for power, attention, or developing personal agendas and works with the aim of doing good for everybody.
He isn't interested in concealing the facts only to appear decent. A good leader tells it like it is, even if it makes some people uncomfortable. He is not a people-pleaser in the sense that he would say anything to please others, even if it involved manipulating or misinforming the public. It takes a lot of guts to do something like this, and notable Tamil politicians have that guts.
He is intent on achieving clear, attainable, and quantifiable goals and achievements. A famous politician in kongunadu is unflappable. His objectives, whether little or huge, are reasonable and attainable, with an emphasis on long-term outcomes rather than short-term and transient remedies that may backfire.
People are encouraged to accept responsibility for their actions. A good politician in Coimbatore teaches people that they are responsible for their society and its outcomes, and teaches them how to make compromises and responsible decisions. He opposes an attitude of self-serving entitlement that has become excessive and is detrimental to society as a whole.
He isn't concerned with being politically acceptable, but is concerned with being ethical. An honest politician in kongunadu realises that some modifications must be made in order for the entire community to function and be healthy, and that individuals must learn to give some in order to get some.
Realistic promises are made rather than utopian ones. A good aiadmk leader keeps his word and establishes a long-term commitment. Even if it does not receive acceptance, it is truthful. People like Chandrasekar are aware of where they stand in the presence of a genuine leader. As an aiadmk minister, he will not withhold bad news simply because it is unpleasant to the public's ears.
Consider the big picture while acting on the ground. He understands that in order for us to live in wealth as a great and fortunate country, reasonable actions must be taken to ensure that others accomplish the same aims through the Tamil Nadu social welfare department. He understands that with power comes responsibility, and that we are becoming more in tune with our inner selves than ever before, thanks to technological advances.
Personal accountability is assumed. A successful leader is self-assured enough to accept personal responsibility when it is required, as Mr. Chandrasekar does via the Coimbatore Social Welfare Department. To put it another way, a competent political leader has an internal centre of control while still being cognizant of the consequences of external influences.
He maintains a calm demeanour and a sense of humour. A successful political leader has high emotional intelligence and has learnt to think logically and globally by rising above his emotions, conditioning, and fixations on certain results. In other words, he is sensible and in control of his emotions, and he is present to guide the audience through the emotional roller coaster.

He has a mind that is always on the lookout for new information. If you want to know who thebest political leader in Tamizhagam is, look no further than the state of Tamil Nadu. A good leader, in my opinion, is always thirsty for accurate, expert-oriented, and unbiased knowledge.
By assaulting others, he does not appear good. A trustworthy leader will not bring others down in order to raise himself. He is a partner rather than a rival. Instead of destroying bridges, he tries to build them. He is a natural mediator rather than one who sows discord, stress, and alienation.
It is critical to understand that there is no evidence that leaders are born with leadership qualities. While some people are more predisposed to it, anyone with enough drive, self-reflection, open-mindedness, experience, and education may become a great leader.
In today's quickly changing environment, what vital qualities and competencies are required of political leaders?
There has never been a greater need for responsive and accountable leaders in a world marked by historic political, social, and technical upheavals. Nonetheless, today's dominant leadership paradigms fail to balance both characteristics. Whereas technocratic leadership prioritises responsibility over responsiveness, populist leadership prioritises responsiveness. These are the attributes of our famous leader and famous politician in Cbe .
Most importantly, neither of these leadership paradigms allows for – or is interested in – voter judgement and will. Indeed, whereas populists profess to understand and express the sole genuine "public will," technocrats believe there is only one perfect policy option. Of course, theirs. In this environment, what can today's leaders do?
The aim of leaders and honest politicians in Cbe should be to balance citizens' input and emotional responses rather than to create majority violence in a representative democracy. In other words, the connection between representatives and the people they represent must be continual and must involve both parties making decisions.
As a result, responsive and accountable leaders are needed to re-appropriate, re-design, and enlarge the diminishing gap between today's populist and technocratic leaders and the people. This arena is poised to become a testbed for new types of political leadership.
The good news is that, while traditional political participation has declined, democratic expression and unorthodox political participation have grown. Citizens' interest in government matters is not waning. The opposite is true. The task for leaders is thus to harness this increased interest in the democratic process through the development of new channels of engagement, policy co-creation, and scrutiny of leaders' activities. In our re-politicized communities, the most successful political representatives will be those who can channel rising scepticism into civic virtue.
Personal attributes that are all too frequently lacking in our leaders are required. Among the highlights are ten features:
Emotional intelligence and empathy
Leaders must be able to imagine themselves in the shoes of those they lead. While too much empathy may cloud our judgement, compassion and emotional intelligence help leaders solve problems and, in turn, optimise their effect on society. Leaders must share and experience the agony and suffering of others, as well as their joy and delight, in order to do so. The good leaders in Tamil Nadu have always supported the people in their times of need. They need to get out of the workplace, spend more time on the streets, and avoid filtered bubbles while online.
Openness and integrity
Before, during, and after the exercise of power, leaders must be beyond suspicion. They should commit to democratising entry to political parties by allowing individuals from non-political and unusual backgrounds, such as entrepreneurship, to participate. The hurdles to entering political parties remain high today, and the opportunity costs of a political career are much higher. Once elected, leaders must ensure complete openness of their actions (e.g., meeting agendas, legislative footprints, and contributors) and embrace different types of community supervision (e.g., evaluation boards, watchdog groups, and investigative bodies). They must avoid the urge to commercialise their network and experience by stepping through spinning doors when they leave the office.
Integrity and fairness
While most people are unfamiliar with their elected officials, wealthy, well-connected, well-organized lobbyists and other groups are. Responsible leaders, like honest politicians in TN , should level the playing field by making choices only after listening to and comprehending all impacted interests. To achieve this, leaders must go beyond nominal equality and actively encourage the representation of all interests in the policymaking process. This could be accomplished by transferring financial resources from the haves to the have-nots (e.g., through public consultation fees) and/or by encouraging skill-sharing by tapping into networks of citizen experts (such as The Good Lobby, which I lead) who could serve civil society organisations pro bono.
Competence and evidence-based reasoning are required.
In a society with limited resources, each leadership decision may be expensive, especially when unforeseen repercussions occur. To reduce these dangers, aiadmk leaders have committed to making choices based on available data rather than ideology. Responsible leadership must be evidence-based, competent, and transparent, as well as willing to expose "merchants of doubt" — commentators who profess to be objective scientific authority while really representing corporate interests.
Sobriety and consistency are essential.
Leaders must provide a good example for others around them. Their everyday behaviour should reflect the ideals on which they are based and stand. In an era of historic inequality, AIADMK minister make a sober way of life a characteristic of their success and avoid conflicts of interest. They are more concerned with social repercussions than legal and ethical consequences. Being a leader necessitates adhering to higher moral standards.
Responsive, accountable, and everyday connection with – and exposure to – a web of stakeholders, including organised organisations, grassroots, and individual individuals, is essential for successful leadership. Political leaders, in particular, safeguard society (and themselves) from their own excesses by developing a culture of citizen monitoring, thus increasing their capacity to deliver on their commitments and serve the common good.

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