SlimCrystal Reviews: Legit Slimming Crystal Water Bottle to Buy?


SlimCrystal Reviews: Legit Slimming Crystal Water Bottle to Buy?


Everyone should always have a water bottle with them, especially since staying hydrated year-round is imperative. Even if you prefer to stay indoors or spend time outside, one must remember to drink enough water to avoid exhaustion while working out to prevent dehydration. An issue with standard water bottles is that they don’t keep drinks hot or cold after the first sip. Two-liter picnic water containers that are as heavy as they appear are a thing of the past.


The popularity of crystals is understandable. They’re beautiful, enigmatic, and even magical, according to many. While crystals have been used for centuries in various events, people are always looking for new ways to get their crystals fixed.


The crystal-infused water bottles are one such example. As per the owner of the crystal water bottle company bewater, Jude Polack, crystals move their energy directly into the water, which affects the structure of the water, thereby changing oxygen and pH levels. Many people believe that the body’s energy fields can be rebalanced by using such crystals, which can reduce weight, stress, anxiety levels, etc. “SlimCrystal” is one such crystal bottle.


Weight loss becomes easier with SlimCrystal’s crystal-infused water, which comes in an eye-catching, sensational gift cylinder box. When you start consuming water from SlimCrystal, your body receives a slew of health benefits from the crystal mix’s potent rejuvenation properties. Not only that, but you can also give it to your loved ones as well.


In this SlimCrystal review, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to make an educated buying decision.


What exactly is SlimCrystal?

SlimCrystal is the only crystal water bottle in the world designed to aid in healthy weight loss by infusing water with the power of crystals. As per SlimCrystal official website, drinking 2-3 liters of water per day from SlimCrystal bottles can help you lose weight quickly. Each SlimCrystal bottle is filled with a unique blend of nine different kinds of natural crystals. As a result, the creators of SlimCrystal claim to provide remarkable health benefits to the body, thanks to the crystal’s abilities.


Slim Crystal’s compelling mix of natural crystals provides these benefits to your body when you begin drinking water that has been rejuvenated. As a result, it helps you maintain a healthy diet and a high level of energy and supports overall health. Crystal healing experts have been using this unique combination of crystals for years to assist hundreds of people in making positive changes in their lives, and it continues to be used today.


How does SlimCrystal work?

Using an effective combination of nine natural crystals, the water in the SlimCrystal is replenished. Sparkling and slimming water can raise your resting metabolic rate by over twenty percent, allowing you to begin losing weight without dieting. Independent laboratories have tested the SlimCrystal water bottles and found that the water’s oxygen content rises due to this process.


Crystal water bottles have been used in natural medicine for many years to treat a variety of ailments. The additional oxygen you take in can significantly boost your energy levels in as little as thirty seconds after you take it in. As a result, it helps reduce hunger pangs, improve overall food digestion, and aid in detoxification.


What Crystals does SlimCrystal use?

You can quickly reduce tummy fat and improve your health by drinking from the SlimCrystal water bottle, which contains a powerful combination of nine crystals. The following is a list of crystals and their advantages:



As a natural sedative, amethyst is a beautiful gemstone. Its high vibration blocks unwanted, demanding energies and promotes a state of calm. Amethyst is a protective stone for the mind and spirit. It can help you overcome anxiety or addiction-related thought patterns and open yourself up to a deeper level of awareness when used for this purpose.


Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is referred to as a “super therapist.” It also regulates and amplifies energy. It is said to improve focus and memory. Clear crystals are said to boost the body’s immune system and bring balance to the entire system.



Inner growth and strength can be improved via Moonstone. Stress and mental illness can be alleviated by using this product. According to the gem society, Moonstone enhances luck, encourages self-discipline, and brings good fortune in love and financial matters.



Inspiration, imagination, and self-expression are all stimulated by citrine. It’s no surprise that citrine is associated with happiness and optimism, given its cheerful hue. It’s a common practice to use it to attract money and opportunities into one’s life.



You can enhance fertility and sexuality through the use of Carnelian. It regulates the kidneys and aids in the healing of bones and joints. It also enhances the absorption of minerals and vitamins and ensures that organs and tissues receive adequate blood flow.


Green Aventurine

For both its beauty and its ability to heal, this crystal is sought after. Aventurine is a stone that can help you get through times of financial hardship and heartbreak, and it can also bring abundance and genuine love into your life.



Sodalite regulates the metabolic process, improves the body’s immune system, and eliminates calcium deficiency symptoms. It absorbs electromagnetic smog to counteract radiation damage. When it comes to throat issues, sodalite can help with hoarseness and gastrointestinal problems.


Red Jasper

Psychic focus and balance are said to be boosted by Red Jasper. Red Jasper helps in removing negative energy, anxiety, stress, and confusion. In addition, Red Jasper can be used to enhance sexual vigor and confidence.


Red Agate

In addition to alleviating cramps in the stomach, menstrual cramps, and protecting the mother-to-be and her unborn child, agate’s healing properties are second to none.


Where to buy SlimCrystal:

To purchase SlimCrystal, consumers can visit the official website. You won’t find it on Amazon, eBay, or in a retail store. Costs and promotional offers are readily available on the main website. Listed here are the offers and packages:


1 SlimCrystal + Slimming Bracelet: $89.00 Each + Shipping

2 SlimCrystal + Slimming Bracelet: $79.00 Each Free Shipping Included


Your purchase is completely safe and secure because it is SSL-encrypted. A solid 60-day warranty backs it up as well. If you are not happy with the SlimCrystal results within the first two months of receiving them, please contact the customer support department, and they will issue a full refund.


Please use the following email address to get in touch with the support team:



In terms of value, motivation, and quality, SlimCrystal is an exceptional choice. It may seem just a water bottle for most people, but SlimCrystal’s weight-loss benefits make it more than just that. When you drink water from crystal water bottles, your self-confidence will increase. Consequently, you will be able to attract wealth and happiness into your life. The crystals in SlimCrystal water bottles aids in calming nerves and increasing energy levels. Stress, anxiety, and physical discomfort can be reduced by rebalancing the energy field of the body. When water is accumulating, it looks even better. The water appears to be glistening and transparent.


When you receive SlimCrystal bottles, you can start using them immediately. SlimCrystal bottles will allow you to achieve your weight loss goals much easier and more enjoyable by drinking water from them.


Hey readers, I know you are here to read this Slim Crystal Water Bottle review, hoping that it can clear all your queries regarding this slimming crystal water bottle.


If so, you don’t have to browse any further, as this article compiles everything you need to know about this bottle in detail, so that you can check them out if you are planning to give it a try. 


Slim Crystal is a Crystals water bottle developed to maintain weight loss.


For those who haven’t heard about it before, it might be surprising to know something that aids weight loss in this way.


Just because it promises to support weight loss by drinking just a few liters of water every day, you must be feeling skeptical.


However, it is said to be based on the proven methods used by crystal healing experts, and that’s why more and more people are attracted to it.  


Contents [show]


SlimCrystal Water Bottle Reviews – How Can A Set Of 9 Natural Crystals Aid Weight Loss?

If you are eagerly looking forward to revealing things about the Slim Crystal water bottle, just stick with me as I am about to give you an exact picture of the product in detail.


So without wasting any more time, let’s break into things like how a Slim Crystal Slimming Crystal Water bottle is made, what benefits it can bring, its total cost, and its working mechanism. Slim Crystal Water Bottle Customer reviews, and much more. 


SlimCrystal Water Bottle Reviews 

Product Name Slim Crystal

Product Type Bottle

Purpose Support healthy weight loss

Product Features Combination of 9 Different types of natural crystals



Clear Quartz




Side Effects No negative effects reported

Result Expectation Within 3-4 months

Price $89 + $9.95 (shipping & handling)

Guarantee Offered 60-days

Contact [email protected]

Official Website Click Here

What is Slim Crystal?

SlimCrystal is a water bottle that is created to improve the quality of the water you drink every day so that it can support a healthy weight loss in your body. Created based on methods used for decades by crystal healing experts, these bottles are equipped with a specific combination of crystals.


These include 9 types of natural crystals which are included in an additional internal container at the bottom of the bottle.


With the presence of these gems, the bottles can make water capable of bringing several positive changes in your body, including weight loss benefits. 


Slim Crystal Water Bottle with customer

Slim Crystal Water Bottle Ingredients

As it is given on the official website of Slim Crystal Slimming water Bottles, each bottle is added 9 types of natural crystals inside. These crystals can promise significant health benefits to the body if you drink water that is infused with these crystals every day. 


Have a look at the peculiarities of these crystals one by one. 


Amethyst This purple stone is known as a natural tranquilizer and is said to be equipped with certain physical properties. It can dispel range, calm our minds and dissolve negativity, apart from balancing your metabolism to aid weight loss.


Clear Quartz it is said to have the ability to absorb, store, release, and regulate energy and amplify it. The major physical property it can induce is stimulating the immune system and giving balance to the entire body. If you are trying to follow healthy dietary and workout choices, this stone can provide motivation.


Moonstone added with healing properties, moonstone can soothe emotional instability and stress. It can also improve your sleep quality and help you get emotional balance.


Citrine this yellow gemstone is also known as gold topaz. It is known for its properties to promote motivation, activate creativity, and encourage self-expression. While it also can improve concentration and revitalize the mind. Moreover, it releases negative traits like depression, stress, and phobias as well as can give you emotional balance. 


Carnelian this gradient red-orange stone is known for its properties to reduce hunger and cravings. Besides, it can help you detox your body and enhance your overall health. 

Sodalite it is another metabolism booster used while creating Slim Crystal bottles. It can also help you to make healthy food choices and stave off unnecessary cravings. 


Red agate red agate is known as the warrior stone which is capable of bringing positive energy and eliminating negative energy. This way, this gemstone can help you to have inner stability and be more self-confident. 


Red Jasper being a member of the Chalcedony mineral class, this opaque version of quartz can bring balance, stamina, courage, and inner strength to a warrior. 

Green Aventurine this silicon dioxide mineral is a member of the quartz family with healing properties to help with physical, emotional, and spiritual balance as well as other issues. 

SlimCrystal Water Bottle Ingredients


How does Slim Crystal Water Bottle work for weight loss?

SlimCrystal Slimming Water Bottle works by assisting your system to lose weight. As I mentioned earlier in the Slim Crystal Water Bottle review, each of these bottles is molded along with a specific combination of crystals which is said to be having impressive healing properties. Besides, this method has been used for decades by crystal healing experts in terms of improving life. 


Each of the gemstones included in these bottles has its own unique properties so that they all together can work on your body in several positive ways. Since these combinations of crystals can revitalize the water you drink every day, your body can achieve these benefits. 


Most of the gemstones included in the bottle have properties including boosting your metabolic rate to the optimal levels, managing your appetite, and letting you have control over your cravings and tendencies to overeat.


These changes can lead you to shed excess weight effectively. At the same time, they can provide you with high energy levels, overall support for your health, and maintain long-lasting youthfulness apart from aiding a healthy weight loss. 


Slim Crystal Water Bottle Real Images

Slim Crystal Water Bottle Benefits – Can This Water Bottle Make You Lose Weight?

As you can see, the 9 different gemstones included in the Slim crystal water bottle can benefit your body in many ways. Hence, when you start drinking water that has been revitalized by this combination of crystals, you will start to experience several benefits by analyzing various SlimCrystal Water Bottle reviews.  


Take a look at the benefits you can expect after you start using SlimCrystal Slimming Water Bottle. 


Weight loss: the gemstones like Amethyst, sodalite, and citrine are known to be weight loss support stones. These stones can impressively enhance your metabolism as well as reduce your cravings and overeating tendencies.


Enhanced energy levels: by drinking the revitalized water, you can get the benefits of clear quartz, as it absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy, and amplifies it. This way you can get all the energy required to do your everyday workout as well. 


Healthy digestion: most of the crystals included in the Slim Crystal slimming water bottles can benefit you by promoting healthy digestion.


Overall support for health: since each of these crystals has its own unique properties to bring positive changes to your body, you can expect better support for overall both physical and emotional health. 


Long-term youthfulness: this is another promising benefit you can achieve by using Slim Crystal bottles to drink water that is revitalized by the selected crystals every day. To be clear, you can improve the appearance of your skin and overall feeling of youthfulness.


SlimCrystal Water Bottle Benefits

Is SlimCrystal Weight Loss Bottle legit or not?

While analyzing various aspects of the Slim Crystal bottle, it seems to be a legit product that can be used by anyone to bring an array of health benefits to the body, including weight loss. There are thousands of its customers who attest to something that can work when used consistently, every day. 


This product is manufactured in the USA and comes with a 60 day 100% money-back guarantee too. So that the customers can make use of it if it doesn’t bring desired results. 


Slim Crystal Customer reviews and complaints 2022

Having the correct knowledge about the customer responses is the best way to see if Slim Crystal can be the right product you can choose to support healthy weight loss. However, it is important to ensure that you are referring to genuine SlimCrystal Water Bottle customer reviews for that.


At the same time, it is not always a piece of cake to sort out truthful ones from the available SlimCrystal Water Bottle reviews. Therefore, I have simplified that job for you in the light of my experience, as I can do it better with a quick glance. 


So, according to my research, almost all of the customers who have used the product are happy with the changes they could experience with its regular use. But at the same time, they suggest consistency of its use to achieve its true results. 


Meanwhile, there are also a few negative SlimCrystal Water Bottle reviews, given by unsatisfactory customers, who unfortunately couldn’t get results within the specified time. Otherwise, there are no major complaints or negative remarks ever reported on the product so far. 


SlimCrystal Customer reviews 2022

SlimCrystal Bottle Pricing and Availability

SlimCrystal Slimming water Bottles are exclusively available on the official website. Where you can see it could be purchased through any two given packages. 


Take a look at the two available packages to buy the product.


Buy 1 bottle at $89 + $9.95 (shipping & handling)

Buy 2 at $79/ each + free US shipping

Both of these packages are added with a 60 day, 100% money-back guarantee to secure your purchase. Besides, each of them is also clubbed with a free additional bonus of a crystal bracelet as well.  


While planning to give the product a try it is also important to consider purchasing it from the official website, to enjoy its money-back policy. Moreover, you can easily get tricked with fake replicas of the product available on various sources like eCommerce websites, online or offline stores. 


So, to avoid such confusion, you can simply click the link below to reach the genuine website of Slim Crystal, and buy the genuine product. 


Slim Crystal Water Bottle Price

Slim Crystal Bottle Bonus: Slimming Crystal Bracelet 

It is a bracelet specially made for the customers to put on while using Slim Crystal bottles. As you can see, it is made with all the nine crystals included in the bottle, and with their constant contact with your body, you are more likely to receive their healing properties. So that you can multiply the benefits Slim Crystal bottle can offer you. 


Slim Crystal Bottle Bonus-Slimming Crystal Bracelet 

Final Verdict on SlimCrystal Water Bottle Reviews – Is It Worth The Money?

While taking a closer look at SlimCrystal Water bottles, it seems to be a working solution to support weight loss. The gemstones included in these bottles are known for their healing properties, and these stones have been used by crystal healing experts to help people to achieve healthy changes. 


Thousands of people who have tried this product are happy with the results they could achieve through it. Besides, there are few Slim Crystal customer reviews with hostile remarks as well. 


Currently, it is available with a slimming crystal bracelet as a bonus for every purchase. Moreover, it is clubbed with a 60 day, 100% money-back guarantee too.


This would help you to get a full refund of the money that you have spent on it if you are not satisfied with the product. Because of this, the product becomes a risk-free option for anyone who is seeking ways to lose weight as per the Slim Crystal Water Bottle review.


Launched in 2021, Slim Crystal claims to be the only water bottle created globally containing nine natural crystals that infuse your water to help achieve your weight loss goals. According to its creator, drinking two to three liters from the Slim Crystal water bottles can assist you to:


Attain your weight loss goals

Aid long term youthfulness

Maintain high energy levels

Support healthy digestion

The creator further states that crystal healing experts have used the unique combination of crystals for decades, thanks to their potency. These experts have used this blend to help people of both genders improve their lives, lose weight, and regain their youth.


It’s now time for you to give it a try. All you have to do is place an order today!


What’s Inside the Slim Crystal Bottles?

Every Slim Crystal bottle comes with nine types of natural crystals inside it. Crystal healing experts believe that these crystals have a unique role in providing the body with essential benefits.


Your body can benefit from the potency of these crystals every time you drink water from these bottles. The water helps revitalize your body, making you feel younger and more energetic than it appears.


Information provided on the official website indicates that clients who drank water from the Slim Crystal water bottles have experienced several benefits, such as accelerated weight loss and less stress. Many have lost weight naturally and have become much happier and more content with their lives.


How Does the Slim Crystal Bottle Work?

The water inside the Slim Crystal bottle is replenished with a unique blend of nine natural crystals. The slimming and sparkling water can increase your metabolic rate by more than twenty percent.


An increase in your metabolic rate allows you to lose weight without dieting. Its creator claims that several independent labs have tested the Slim Crystal water bottles and concluded that this process helps oxygen content to rise significantly.


Natural medicine practitioners have used crystal water bottles for thousands of years to assist in healing several ailments. Adding oxygen to the process aids in boosting your body’s energy levels in less than thirty seconds after taking it.


In the process, it improves your overall food digestion while reducing your hunger pangs. It also assists in eliminating toxins from the body.


Crystals Present in Slim Crystal Bottles

Drinking from a Slim Crystal water bottle can assist you in boosting your health and reducing your tummy fat quickly. As we mentioned earlier, the bottle contains nine crystals, and the following are some of the benefits of the nine crystals used:


Red Agate

Red Agate protects the primary chakra of our human body. It eliminates and transforms negative feelings. Red Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception, and energies while providing self-confidence and positive vibes. It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension and feeling of security and safety. Its primary role is to prevent cramps inside the stomach, protect unborn children, and reduce the pain linked to menstrual cramps. It also contains healing properties.



It’s a beautiful gemstone that is a variety of Quartz. It contains iron and other trace minerals believed to promote a state of calm. The natural sedative acts as a protector for your mind and spirit. It can assist its users in overcoming addiction and exposing them to a new and deeper level of self-awareness.


Red Jasper

Crystal experts believe it plays an essential role in promoting psychic balance and focus. Other benefits include eliminating confusion, negative energy, stress, and anxiety from the user’s life. You can also use it to boost sexual confidence and vigor.


Clear Quartz

Natural healers believe it’s a super therapist that amplifies and regulates your body’s energy. Its benefits include boosting recall and focus and bringing balance to the body. Continued use can help in boosting your immune system.



It helps regulate the metabolic processes in your body, eliminates the symptoms of calcium deficiency, and enhances the body’s immune system. Sodalite can assist in dealing with gastrointestinal issues.



Moonstone assists in improving strength and promoting inner growth. It can also aid in alleviating mental illness and other stressful conditions. Experts believe it can encourage self-discipline, enhance luck, and bring about good fortune in matters related to love.


Green Aventurine

It’s highly sought after for its ability to heal and natural beauty. The crystal can assist individuals in getting over hard times related to heartbreaks and financial hardships. You can use it to bring genuine love and abundance into your life.



Experts commonly use it to boost sexuality and fertility in their clients. In the Slim Crystal bottle, it has been used to assist in regulating the kidneys and helping the joints and bones to heal at a faster pace.



It’s believed to assist in stimulating self-expression, imagination, and inspiration. Based on its description, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to find people linking it to cheerfulness, optimism, and general happiness. Some people use it to attract opportunities and money into their lives.


SlimCrystal Pricing and Where to Buy

You can buy the Slim Crystal Bottles on their official website. Every purchase allows you to save $200 and get free shipping. Choose from one of these two options:


One Slim Crystal Bottle — $117.00 + Free Shipping and Sixty-days money-back guarantee

Two Slim Crystal Bottles + Bonuses — $97.00 Each + Free Shipping and Sixty-days money-back guarantee


The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.




Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide any kind of get-rich money scheme.


The news and editorial staff of Sound Publishing, Inc. had no role in the preparation of this post. The views and opinions expressed in this sponsored post are those of the advertiser and do not reflect those of Sound Publishing, Inc.


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