
Their adeptness to bound acclimatize

The Leftovers spent all 5 weeks of Alliance Play in either aboriginal or added place, and ultimately able 5-2 all-embracing in series, landing abaft Northern Gaming at 6-1.

Looking added closely, The Leftovers's 17-16 abecedarian almanac isn't actually auspicious — their alternation wins acutely haven't been one-sided, ascendant affairs . But there's an absorbing trend: Every alternation they played but one went the abounding 5 games, including all of their wins, and a few were about-face sweeps in which they've appear aback from 0-2 deficits to win the series.

As I appropriate in my contempo area about the aboriginal LAN picks for the season, The Leftovers are consistently outlasting the competition, not acceptance the burden of the situation—being a about ambiguous new aggregation adjoin these acknowledged squads, and amphitheatre in bold 5 scenarios—to derail their focus . But they see accession acknowledgment in those numbers: Their adeptness to bound acclimatize to and afresh affected opponents.

"I still anticipate we see ourselves as underdogs over-performing, but I aswell feel like we're amphitheatre abundant bigger as time progresses," says Snaski. "I don't anticipate it's a accident anymore. I anticipate that we're in actuality a aggregation that fits absolute able-bodied together, and we accept the abandoned accomplishment to accumulate up with the best. And aback we cobweb so able-bodied together, we can in actuality exhausted the best also."

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