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دفتر ديونك - حسن الغزال | كلمات اغاني

Posted by Mido Ram on June 16, 2024 at 8:50am 0 Comments

عشر مرات تغلط انت مو مرة، وكل مرة تجي وسجلها ع العشرة. ويالتبريت مني منك اتبره، وحتى الدگه هاي تصيرلك عبرة، العب. خلص تخون وما اخونك، شنو مكدر بدونك اكدر اني والله. يالمخرب عشگنه هدمته.
المصدر: كلمات اغنية دفتر ديونك حسن الغزال

Living Wonders: A Program in Wonders Workshop

Posted by Ab12 on June 16, 2024 at 8:46am 0 Comments

A Course in Wonders also presents the concept of miracles, which are recognized as adjustments in belief that come from the place of enjoy and forgiveness. Miracles, in that context, are not supernatural functions but alternatively experiences wherever people see the facts in somebody beyond their confidence and limitations. These experiences can be both particular and societal, as persons come to appreciate their heavenly nature and the divine character of others. Wonders are seen as the… Continue
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