
What topics of conversation are good on a second date?

Of course, you have to get used to each other's company on the first date. And the necessary nerves often play a role. This often causes conversations to remain on the superficial side. And that is not bad at all. What's most important on the first date is having fun together. Because that will make you feel more comfortable with each other.

But you did all that perfectly anyway. Because if that had not been the case, you would not have had a second date coming up now.

However, on a second date, a woman expects to get to know you better. That she will see more of who you really are. It is certainly very important that you make sure that you do not accidentally pretend to be different from you are. For example, because you think you will make a better impression on her.

Women seem to have an extra sense with which they can very quickly determine whether a man really is himself or pretends to be different from what he really is. And as soon as a woman discovers that you are acting differently than you really are, she almost immediately loses her confidence in you and you lose her. So watch out for that.

But we digress. We talked about good topics of conversation for a second date.

A conversation topic is good for a second date when the topic contributes to learning more about each other. For example, learn more about:

What she likes.
What her passions and dreams are.
How she sees her future.
What she still wants to do in her life.
What her ideals are
And so on.
And to prevent a conversation from becoming too heavy and serious, you can turn the conversation to topics such as:

What your dream vacations are.
What was the best vacation you have had so far?
What's the craziest thing that ever happened to you.
Which was the most embarrassing moment in your life.
What is the best memory you have of when you were a child?
What you would do if you won a million tomorrow.
What you would really like to experience.
These are fun topics that, in addition to having fun together, get to know each other better.

Sex can also be talked about. But leave it to the woman to broach that topic of conversation. Usually, a woman will only want to talk about sexually explicit topics with a man when she feels safe and comfortable with a man and starts to feel attracted to him.

In summary, any topic of conversation on a date is a good thing if the topic helps you learn more about each other.

Because a woman can still look so beautiful, if she does not suit you as a person you will not be happy with it. Unless you're just looking for an adventure with a woman, it doesn't really matter whether you two are a good match or not.

What is the smartest way to arrange a second date?
The initiative for a second date, as mentioned, obviously lies with the man. Simply because it is one of those things that makes you more attractive to a woman. And you should always make the best possible use of it.But when are you going to do that, invite a woman for a second date?

That depends, among other things, on how handy you are in coming up with nice dates. If you are someone who can quickly come up with something nice, you can easily invite a woman for a second date at the end of the first date. That is if you feel like you would like to see her again.

If you are less handy with making updates and you really need your time to come up with and plan something fun, just take that time and preferably approach a second date as follows:

If you would like to see your date again after the first date, send a message not long after the date saying that you really liked the date with her and that you would like to see her again. Also, tell her that you will be in touch soon to arrange a second date.

Makeup and plan the second date as accurately as necessary and then send your date your proposal date and time. You can safely do this. Because a woman will usually do her utmost to be there if she likes you. The only reasons she won't agree to your proposal is when there is something really important on that date and time, or when she's really not in the mood for a second date and is having a hard time telling you.
If you are wondering how long there should be between the first and second date, I can only tell you that again there are no set rules.

When the first date went well, you had a really good time and the time flew by really fast, then there is really no reason why you shouldn't be able to see each other again in a few days.

Because if you leave too much time between the first and second date, a woman could start to think that you might not like the date with her as much as she thought.

But you can safely assume that if you can see each other again after about a week, this is great. Then there is certainly not too little time between the first and second date and certainly not too much.

However, pay attention to one thing. And that is that you don't make the mistake of keeping in touch between the first and second date via WhatsApp or another messaging service. Because with that you run a huge chance that you will text away all the desire to see you again.

In addition, building a relationship is only possible through personal contact. Any time you spend talking to a woman through a messaging service is wasted.

Should you kiss on the second date?

That first kiss on the mouth is a thing for many men. Something that is more than once strongly dreaded. Because imagine that she doesn't want to be kissed by you at all. As mentioned, usually the worst thing that can happen to a woman is for a woman to turn her lips away from yours and put them on her cheek instead of her mouth.

But experience shows that this can really only happen if you have completely misjudged the moment of kissing. And the chance that you misjudge it is only when you have mainly been busy in your head that you need to be kissed anyway.

And when you are too busy in your head with anything and everything, then you are definitely not in the moment with your date and you will undoubtedly miss almost every signal a woman could have given.

It is therefore especially important that you relax and just let things come your way. In which you try to think about touching her, hugging her, or taking her hand for a moment when situations in which you find yourself give cause to do so or she knows how to create.

If that does not work, then there is absolutely not a man overboard immediately. As long as you keep yourself from expressing any feelings you have for her through word or writing.

A woman often gets very confused about this. Because then your actions instinctively do not correspond to your words. When that correspondence between actions and words is missing, a woman will lose her faith in you and with that, you will see her disappear from your life at breakneck speed.

That is why it is so important that you initially express your feelings for a woman through actions. So:

By continuing to invite her to dates.
Shows genuine interest in her as a person.
You act masculine so that she feels comfortable around you.
Feel loved by you.

Touch her, hold her and kiss her when you feel the need to.
Immediately stops and accepts when she indicates that you are going too far or too fast for her feeling.
And preferably wait to talk about your feelings for her until she starts talking about her feelings for you herself. Because with that, she shows you that she has feelings for you and is ready for the next step.

When dating on hookup sites, it is very important that you realize at all times that it is the man who initiates through action and indicates which direction he wants the relationship to take and that the woman responds and determines the time when it happens.

This is an important dynamic between man and woman that if you respect it, accept it fully, and simply apply it, it will only work in your favor.

This will help you know everything you need to know for a successful second date and plan a date that will exceed all expectations of a woman.

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