
Alex Paterakis's Blog (22)

5 Good Reasons to Get Involved with MilSim

MilSim is short for military simulation, which is specially planned and curated airsoft matches that follow carefully planned scenarios and some of which have stringent restrictions on what gear can and can’t be used. Largely, MilSim events are planned to closely replicate military engagements and simulate the conditions that might be experienced on a battlefield or in other tactical…


Added by Alex Paterakis on October 1, 2021 at 9:16am — No Comments

MiR Tactical Will Keep You in Good Prices on Umbrella Armory Gear

Umbrella armory is one of the most reputable producers of high-quality airsoft gear, especially with upgrades for customizations and performance. There’s a reason that airsofters around the country turn to Umbrella when the time comes for them to make upgrades, and it’s largely because of the company’s history of success.…


Added by Alex Paterakis on May 19, 2021 at 6:28am — No Comments

Get an Airsoft Scope with These Features

It’s a well-known fact that an airsoft scope can improve your abilities in the field or in a match. While they aren’t always the best choice in optics for AEGs, if you carry around an airsoft rifle with which you need to be effective at range (like an airsoft sniper rifle) the naked gun just won’t do too much for you.

They improve…


Added by Alex Paterakis on April 14, 2021 at 3:14am — No Comments

5 Reasons You’ll Love A G&G Raider

Most if not all serious airsofters have a need for a practical, high-quality AEG in their arsenals. Very few players, and only the most specialized of them, are never going to find themselves in a situation where they didn’t wish they owned a good one. Airsoft snipers come to mind, and even then some of these guys would probably love to have a good AEG in tow.

With the case in point being that a quality AEG is…


Added by Alex Paterakis on April 13, 2021 at 5:38am — No Comments

Stop Looking for “Airsoft Stores Near Me” - Shop at MiR Tactical

We get it; the local airsoft or paintball shop has the most clout around wherever you are. You feel compelled to shop there because they have the best gear and can order items for you when you need them. They’re also trusted resources of information on upcoming events (local and elsewhere) and can help you make upgrades and mods to your airsoft guns.

That is if you have a local shop. They are good reasons for…


Added by Alex Paterakis on April 9, 2021 at 2:52am — No Comments

How to Pick the Best Starter Airsoft Gun

So you want to get into airsoft but you don’t know where to start. Like anything that’s new, it can be intimidating, especially when you don’t already have a frame of reference. It’s even tougher than you don’t have a friend or an acquaintance to show you the ropes.

It might not be as good as a friend’s advice, but you do have this article, and it should get you off on the right…


Added by Alex Paterakis on February 3, 2021 at 12:50am — No Comments

So you want to get into airsoft but you don’t know where to start. Like anything that’s new, it can be intimidating, especially when you don’t already have a frame of reference. It’s even tougher tha…

So you want to get into airsoft but you don’t know where to start. Like anything that’s new, it can be intimidating, especially when you don’t already have a frame of reference. It’s even tougher than you don’t have a friend or an acquaintance to show you the ropes.

It might not be as good as a friend’s advice, but you do have this article, and it should get you off on the right…


Added by Alex Paterakis on February 3, 2021 at 12:49am — No Comments

5 Reasons to Pick Up a Glock Airsoft Gun

Glock airsoft guns are some of the most popular airsoft replicas in the game. Plinksters own them, collectors own them, competitive players own them - even some people with nothing more than a passing interest own them.

They are practical, tough, useful, balanced, and downright cool. Here are five reasons to pick up a…


Added by Alex Paterakis on January 29, 2021 at 6:42am — No Comments

In Defense of Cheap Airsoft Guns

As in any sport, pastime, or hobby, when you get into airsoft, you’re going to come up against plenty of gearheads. You know, people who always have to have the latest and greatest of everything they can get their hands on, whether it’s practical or not.

Then there are others who say that the skill makes the man and that the gear are just the tools he uses to become proficient in his style of play. To these…


Added by Alex Paterakis on January 7, 2021 at 4:31am — No Comments

Features to Look for in Airsoft Rifles

Whether you’re looking for an AEG or a spring-powered sniper rifle, these are some of the best features you should look for to guarantee quality. Keep in mind that not all rifles are going to have all of these features and that some of them won’t have them simply because they are not a part of the inherent design. In addition, some features mentioned here will preclude the possibility of including others, so bear that in mind. Just remember that these features…


Added by Alex Paterakis on December 16, 2020 at 1:57am — No Comments

Try out a G&G Combat Machine Raider

With so many different AEGs at your disposal, why should you show any given model preference at the simple behest of an article online? Well, to keep things brief, there are a few that really are better than the others, and one of them is a G&G Combat Machine Raider, also known by various other names such as a G&G Raider, a G&G CM16 or a CM16 Raider, all of…


Added by Alex Paterakis on November 10, 2020 at 7:59am — No Comments

When Airsoft Scopes Matter

Here’s something for you to keep in mind, especially if you are just starting out with airsoft. Airsoft scopes are not the be-all and end-all of optics. It’s the same way with real shooting sports and competitions. To people that are unfamiliar with sight picture, target acquisition, and optics, it might seem that you have two options - open sights or a scope.

That could not be farther…


Added by Alex Paterakis on October 23, 2020 at 8:22am — No Comments

Up Your Game with Airsoft Attachments

Doing your homework and getting yourself the right airsoft gun or set of airsoft guns that will work well for your needs is a step in the right direction. It’s even more of a step in the right direction if you have never played airsoft before or are just getting into the game.

You will find, however, that even if you get the most modular, adaptable, high-performance AEG that you can find, there will always be…


Added by Alex Paterakis on October 23, 2020 at 7:49am — No Comments

The Definitive Name Among Airsoft Websites

The internet is a big place and with nothing more than a rough search outlined, you could be in for quite the trial if you’re looking for airsoft websites worth shopping at. If you’ve made it to this article, then we’re going to do you a bit of a favor and point you in the right direction. You have nothing to lose, and the worst-case scenario will simply have you back at square one and still…


Added by Alex Paterakis on October 23, 2020 at 6:37am — No Comments

What Should Come with an Airsoft Starter Kit?

So you want to get into airsoft, and you are not sure just exactly what should come with an airsoft starter kit, or what you should be looking for. Maybe the situation is even more complex and you neither know what to look for and the kit is not for you but for a friend or family member. Then you’ll be even more in the dark and could get more lost in the weeds in looking. Here are some of the…


Added by Alex Paterakis on October 12, 2020 at 9:01am — No Comments

Check out These Green Gas Glocks

Green gas Glock just has a great ring to it, even if there wasn’t anything else for you to say on the matter. There is more to say on the matter, though, and a lot of it has to do with the smooth performance and reliability of the following airsoft guns that we are going to bring up.

In the first place, green gas, which is propane that is often…


Added by Alex Paterakis on October 12, 2020 at 8:13am — No Comments

A VFC Avalon AEG Will Be Your Best Friend in the Field

The next best thing you can bring with you into an airsoft match besides your experience and knowledge of fieldcraft is a VFC Avalon AEG. While you’ll always be leaning on your tactical acumen, you won’t be disappointed to be in the company of one of their AEGs. They’re built tough, they’re reliable, they bring a lot of power, and in many cases, they can be upgraded and improved on a…


Added by Alex Paterakis on October 12, 2020 at 7:38am — No Comments

Do You Need a Smoke Grenade?

There are plenty of lists of important equipment out there that claim to be encyclopedic and authoritative on airsoft and MilSim. Take, for example, this recent blog from MiR Tactical that lays out some of the most airsoft critical equipment and supplies that you might find yourself needing in the course of a MilSim match. It’s far from the largest list out there, but some of the most important essentials are listed within its contents.…


Added by Alex Paterakis on October 1, 2020 at 9:25am — No Comments

Stock up on These Essential Airsoft Accessories

Every player needs a good, high-quality airsoft gun to depend on, whether it’s a powerful spring airsoft sniper rifle or a fast-shooting, hard-hitting AEG. On top of that platform, you might want to mount any number of attachments, including but not limited to optics, lights, and saddles, among other things.

With that in mind, few players head right into a match with nothing but an empty vest, a single mag,…


Added by Alex Paterakis on September 24, 2020 at 3:45am — No Comments

A Quick Intro to Airsoft Batteries

Those who shoot spring airsoft guns and even gas operated airsoft guns don’t have to give a second thought to airsoft batteries. That’s because they don’t have to give the first thought to batteries, as their airsoft guns don’t need them.

For those who play with (or just shoot with) their precious AEGs, however, it’s a different…


Added by Alex Paterakis on September 16, 2020 at 6:19am — No Comments

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