There have been volumes written on time management in the personal development and self-help space Marcus Maye Jersey , but, I would like to tackle this issue form a different angle all together. I would like to explore this art of time management from a spiritual perspective, which I think you will find to be surprisingly useful and beneficial.

The key to spiritual time management is not complex at all, but at the same time, it is not easy to do. The key is to do what needs to be done right away without making excuses. This is a great lesson to learn when it comes to living spiritually. You job is to do the very task that is right under your nose right away. That's it.

Life places in front of you what needs to be done. Do it! Don't delay, don't debate, don't make excuses, don't over think, act. If you don't act, you may not cause the end of the world, but you will create blockages in your life.

Your inner voice constantly reminds you of what needs to be completed. Not taking heed, and ignoring or getting out of these responsibilities, causes the following three problems.

Problems Caused by Not Acting Right Away:

1. Opportunities Lost:

Opportunities that may have been lined up for you are lost. Often by completing some tasks, we open the door to certain opportunities. These can be lost by not acting in time. Return that phone call, go to the gym, email your friend, do what life has indicated you need to do, so that the doors that are meant to be opened, open.

2. Consequences:

A chain of events can be triggered by your actions, or inactions. So heed your inner voice and do what you know you need to get done, right away. It is very possible that not you, but others have to suffer because you did not carry your load in time.

Along the same lines, I often notice that tasks not done in time, can often create much bigger problems, is left to fester. Like that glass left on the dinning table, that then gets knocked over by the kids and creates a big mess. I see such consequences all the time.

3. Back-log Forms:

As the list of tasks accumulate, you start to get dragged down by the weight of these pending duties. You don't feel very light or energetic and it eats away at you subtly from inside. When you clear your slate, you not only feel energized, but you make room for your life to move forward and for new pathways to open up. Otherwise, you start to stagnate. Summary:

One of the biggest challenges you will face when trying to go about doing what needs to be right away, is your mind. The mind is very manipulative and a master at making excuses. You will have to be very aware, to catch when you are just making excuses, and you will have to be strong to not give in to them.

The one very good thing about this technique is that it creates it's own momentum. In other words, the more you are on the ball, getting things done, the more energy you will find yourself having and the more confident and ready you will feel when the next task arrives. So just get started. In any moment when a task pops up for you to do, remember the Nike commercial and Just Do It!
Author's Resource Box

Anmol Mehta is a Yoga teacher & Zen expert. His free website offers the Free Rapid Weight Loss Yoga Program, and information on the Dangers of Kundalini Yoga and Tantra Sexual Breathing Techniques.

Article Source:

KABUL, April 22 (Xinhua) -- Taliban militants fighting the Afghan government to regain power announced Wednesday to launch their annual spring offensive.

The offensive dubbed "Azm" means "Resolution" from Friday April 24, a statement of the armed outfit sent to media said. "Although the foreign occupying forces announced late last year the end of war mission in Afghanistan, still they control the land and air space of the country and the command of war is in their hands," the statement said, adding if the foreign occupiers want the end of war in Afghanistan, they should withdraw completely.

The U.S. and NATO-led troops ended their combat mission in Afghanistan late in December 2014, facilitating Afghan national security force to shoulder alone the security responsibility of the their conflict-ridden country from January 1 this year.

However, more than 13,000 U.S.-led forces under the name of Resolute Support (RS) mission have still remained in Afghanistan to train and advice Afghan forces.

In the statement, Taliban militants also called upon Afghan civil and military servicemen to desert government rank and join "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" (the name of Taliban ousted regime) which had ruled major part of the country before its collapse in late 2001.

The announced annual spring offensive is the first one since President Ashraf Ghani assumed office in September.

Taliban outfit in its last spring offensive, dubbed "Khyber" and kicked off on May 12, 2014 mostly in the shape of suicide attacks and roadside bombings, had failed to capture a major city or district in the country although thousands of people including militants, military personnel and civilians were killed and injured.

Nearly 3,700 civilians were killed and more than 6,800 others injured in the Taliban-led militancy and conflicts in 2014, according to a report of UN mission in Afghanistan released here in February this year.

Militancy and conflicts typically get momentum in spring and summer in Afghanistan commonly known as fighting season among Afghans.

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