The dreamers will remain in the porch swing piling dream

Not only was I glad to see her, but I remembered her. If anybody was the cat’s meow, it was Aunt Sylvia.She loved to go out to eat, particularly with a group. I thought of the last time we all went out to eat together and Aunt Sylvia was with us. One of her Inner and outer half hexagonal rivet nut peculiarities was along the line of tipping the waitress. She was the self-appointed guru of making sure the waitress got a good tip.

When everybody finished eating and the bill had come, Aunt Sylvia would take charge.She would collect money from each person for the tip. If you did not give enough, she made you dig into your pocket again until you came up with an amount she was happy with to give to the waitress. With appropriate pomp and circumstance, she would call the waitress over to our table and present her with the tip of the evening.As I was flying home, a thought tugged at my mind; if the world is made up of such people like my relatives, what chance does the world really have?The world, as God has designed it, is made up of all kinds of people that He loves with an everlasting love. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16 KJV).Thinking of my family on the plane coming home I thought, why am I the only sane person in my family? Then another thought emerged. Begin to live more powerfully & more significantly – the journey begins today!Purpose is what you’re created for. Mission is what you’re meant to do about it. Visions are the evidence. Goals are the means of achievement.So far we’ve discovered that we all have a purpose and by the same token, we all have a mission as well. To this point we have only had to be willing to discover them. Patience and willingness have been the keys.Then we learned that we are all visionaries and we not only have the permission but the charge to exercise our imagination in creating visions. Now we come to the crossroads that separates the dreamers from the true visionaries.

The dreamers will remain in the porch swing piling dream upon dream and waiting for someone to recognize them. The visionary will begin to experience a pressing need to see the dream realized and will rise up and begin to formulate the design. If you see a more vibrant, brilliant life inside you, you’re a visionary. If you hunger to see it come to pass, you are ready for the process of on-target goals.Each of the visionaries in our last article is remembered not so much for the dreams they dreamed, but for the manner in which they brought them into reality. We observed that we ought not be threatened by the greatness of the likes of Edison, Bell, Gandhi, and Pasteur, for to do so is to deny the greatness in each of us.These greats had what we would consider wild imaginations. But they had something else - the tools to insure that each dream manifested in a better reality. And most importantly, they had confidence in their dreams. It is said that Thomas Edison performed some one thousand experiments before his incandescent bulb glowed. But he continued with the process, knowing that he was not defeated until he quit.Victory does not necessarily belong to the best. It belongs to the most persistent.Vision is the ability to see what others are not (yet) able to see; to create within oneself something new and better, bigger and brighter. But that vision must be translated into a concrete, measurable reality. When you begin that process, the designing of goals, you have become the architect of your vision.Goal design is indeed the work of an architect.

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