
Blog Posts

Awakening to Miracles: A Course in Wonders Experience

Posted by stephen005 on September 22, 2024 at 10:07am 0 Comments

The impact of A Class in Miracles runs beyond the individual, as it has also provided increase to study communities, workshops, and focused areas of pupils who come together to discover their teachings collectively. These communities give a helpful setting for persons to fairly share their experiences, ask questions, and deepen their understanding of the Course. This way, ACIM has fostered an expression of neighborhood and connection among their followers.

It's crucial that you… Continue

L Smith's Blog (37)

How Adrian Used Bigger Leaner Stronger to Lose 14 Pounds and 7% Body Fat

How many months’ progress do your pictures represent? What were your stats for each picture?

Starting weight was 196 pounds in March 2018 with about 17% body fat which is the before pic. I decided to seriously shape up about a month later which was the start of April.

The after picture was taken end of September 2018. So the transformation period was 6 months. I believe I reached 10% body fat. These are just guesses so your estimations would probably be more accurate.



Added by L Smith on August 1, 2022 at 9:07am — No Comments

Die beste Ernährung, Workouts und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für Ihren Körpertyp

Eine der häufigsten Fragen, die mir von Fitness-Neulingen gestellt werden, lautet: „Was ist mein Körpertyp?“

Oft folgen sie dem mit etwas wie: „Ich weiß, dass ich meinen Körpertyp nicht ändern kann, aber wie kann ich das Beste aus dem machen, was ich habe?“

Die Theorie besagt, dass jeder einen angeborenen „Körpertyp“ hat, der Ihre Fähigkeit zum Muskelaufbau und Fettabbau beeinflusst. Dieser Körpertyp ist in Ihren genetischen Code eingeschrieben, was eine Änderung unmöglich…


Added by L Smith on August 1, 2022 at 7:53am — No Comments

Build Your Fitness

Our ultimate guide to getting you fit

Fitness and being fit can be defined in so many different ways depending on the person. Maybe you are wanting to look like a fitness model with six pack abs, get in shape for a sport, or be able to do every day activities with ease. Regardless of your goal, we have all the tools needed to help you improve your overall fitness - workout plans created by industry leading experts, nutrition advice, and high-quality supplements.

Move To Achieve…


Added by L Smith on July 29, 2022 at 12:46pm — No Comments

Medicine for Mayhem: 20-Minute High Intensity The Ripper! Workout

Quick and dirty 20 minute burner to incinerate fat and increase strength and power.

You aren’t the kind of person who spends hours on the treadmill each week hoping to cut weight. You’re not a hamster on a wheel, you’re a serious athlete. You want to get ripped and put on more size but unfortunately most of the training techniques for these goals can contradict each other.

There is a way for you to both increase your strength AND kick up the calorie burn to cut. Redefine what…


Added by L Smith on July 28, 2022 at 7:12pm — No Comments

Wie viel Bewegung brauchen Kinder, um gesund zu sein?

Wir wissen, dass körperliche Aktivität für alle wichtig ist – Kinder eingeschlossen! Aber wissen Sie, wie viel Bewegung für Ihr Kind angemessen ist? An welchen Aktivitäten sollte Ihr Kind teilnehmen? Wie kann man ein Kind, das keinen Sport oder Gymnastikunterricht mag, ermutigen, trotzdem aktiv zu sein? Lassen Sie uns diese Fragen (und mehr) beantworten…


Es gibt so viele gesundheitliche Vorteile, wenn Kinder körperlich aktiv sind!. Bewegung…


Added by L Smith on July 26, 2022 at 8:50am — No Comments

How to stop prediabetes becoming diabetes

In Australia, one person is diagnosed with diabetes every 5 minutes. That’s 280 per day. Many of these people had been living with prediabetes for years – they just didn’t know it.


Prediabetes is a term used when your blood sugar is higher than normal, but not high enough that to be classified as type 2 diabetes. Your body is essentially not processing the sugar you consume in your diet correctly. Sugar normally enters the bloodstream once food is digested…


Added by L Smith on July 26, 2022 at 6:16am — No Comments

Pensando em desistir da sua resolução de ano novo? Veja como ficar na linha!

6 best exercises for mental health

Se você iniciou uma nova rotina de exercícios em 2020, não está sozinho. “Fazer mais exercícios” é uma das resoluções de ano novo mais comuns, mas à medida que janeiro chega ao fim, muitos de nós tendem a cair do vagão (assim como no ano passado, certo?). De fato, dados divulgados pelo Strava prevêem que a maioria das pessoas perde a motivação e desiste de suas resoluções de ano novo até 19 de janeiro. Então, o que você pode fazer para tornar este ano diferente? O cientista…


Added by L Smith on July 23, 2022 at 7:55am — No Comments

Movement is medicine for every stage of life

This Exercise Right Week, we want to remind Aussies that “Movement is Medicine” for ALL stages of life. From kids to older Australians, from parents to grandparents, the benefits of living an active lifestyle cannot be understated. We hope that by sharing the far reaching health benefits of exercise for each stage of life, Aussies will start to think of exercise as less of a chore or weight loss tool, and see it for what it is: a vital component for your physical, mental and social…


Added by L Smith on July 22, 2022 at 12:16pm — No Comments

Warum du Laufen als Teil deines Lebens behalten solltest: Teil Eins

Laufen war einer der wichtigsten Teile des Evolutionsprozesses unserer Spezies.

Früher war das Laufen und die damit verbundenen physiologischen Reaktionen eines der wenigen verfügbaren Mittel, um Beute zum Überleben zu fangen. Schneller Vorlauf bis heute und es ist immer noch eine der billigsten, einfachsten und effektivsten Arten zu trainieren und besitzt eine Vielzahl von gesundheitlichen Vorteilen.

Es ist erstaunlich für Ihren Körper, Ihr Gehirn und Ihre Seele – so sehr,…


Added by L Smith on July 21, 2022 at 8:53am — No Comments

Arbeide inkluderende med trans-, ikke-binære og kjønnsforskjellige mennesker

Med en ny generasjon på vei fremover, kommer dette med behovet for at konvensjonelle helsetjenester revolusjoneres for å sikre at det er inkludering for alle forbrukere, inkludert de som er kjønnsforskjellige.

Selv om det er viktig å erkjenne hvordan trening kan forbedre de mentale og fysiske helseresultatene hos individer, bør ikke treningsprofesjonelle anta at trening er lett tilgjengelig for denne befolkningen. Trans-, ikke-binære og kjønnsforskjellige mennesker har en rekke…


Added by L Smith on July 21, 2022 at 7:07am — No Comments

Treningshensyn for fotballspillere (fotball).

Fotball (eller fotball) er allment akseptert som en av de mest populære idrettene i verden.

Til tross for dette tar mange amatøridrettsutøvere og trenere feil når det kommer til trening og forberedelse.

Lenge forbi er dagene da spillere løper så langt som mulig så lenge som mulig for å komme i form. Imidlertid implementeres ofte denne tilnærmingen på amatørnivå fortsatt, og neglisjerer andre viktige treningselementer for spillet.

Misforståelsen rundt…


Added by L Smith on July 18, 2022 at 10:58pm — No Comments

This unconventional workout regime by Kubbra Sait will give you major fitspo

Welcome the New Year with this power-packed workout sesh by Kubbra Sait.

Kubbra Sait is a work in progress, just like all of us. The actor loves her time in the gym and is often spotted engrossed in her fitness routine. When not playing characters for the screen, Kubbra is opted seen working on her body with an intense workout routine. Kubbra’s Instagram profile is replete with pictures and videos of herself practising her fitness routine and they are a treat for sore…


Added by L Smith on July 18, 2022 at 8:47am — No Comments

Yoga: ¿La postura de la cobra es mala para la espalda?

La postura de la cobra es una de las asanas de yoga más populares. Pero si empuja a su cuerpo más allá de sus límites para realizarlo, puede terminar haciendo más daño que bien.

Si ya te has encontrado con las posturas de yoga detalladas bajo el saludo al sol, también conocidas como Surya Namaskar, debes conocer la Bhujangasana, también llamada postura de la cobra. Es el octavo póster de la secuencia de yoga Surya namaskar. Es bastante fácil para los principiantes realizarlo, aunque…


Added by L Smith on July 15, 2022 at 7:11am — No Comments

Se till att din hjärthälsa är på rätt spår med förebyggande genetiska tester

how to track your cardiac health

Din hjärthälsa är viktig, varför du nu kan spåra den helt enkelt genom att gå till förebyggande genetisk testning.

Varje år försöker vi ta ett steg framåt mot bättre hälsa. Eftersom hjärtat är ett av de mest kritiska organen i vår kropp är det ytterst viktigt att veta hur man håller koll på din hjärthälsa. Detta är nu möjligt med förebyggande genetisk testning!

Varför är hjärthälsa så viktig?

Hjärtat är ett av de hårdast arbetande organen i vår… Continue

Added by L Smith on July 15, 2022 at 4:30am — No Comments

3 yoga asanas for en flat mage a la Malaika Arora

Hvis magefettet dukker ut av skjorten din, er det på tide å ta yoga for vekttap. Malaika foreslår hennes topp 3 asanas som kan hjelpe!

Hater du det hengende magefettet ditt? Vel, å hate det vil ikke hjelpe deg å bli kvitt det. For å få magen i form igjen, må du forbrenne flere kalorier ved å øke stoffskiftet. Og det er to store grunner til at du bør vende deg til yoga for vekttap. For det første kan det hjelpe deg å forbrenne flere kalorier, og for det andre aktiverer det…


Added by L Smith on July 6, 2022 at 6:44am — No Comments

Want to tone your butt? Try these 5 exercises suggested by Namrata Purohit

Resistance Weight Training for Beginners - BEST SELF

Looking for the best butt exercises? Look no further as Namrata Purohit has suggested 5 exercises that directly target glute muscles.

Well, who doesn’t want a super toned and curvaceous butt? If you’re looking how to crack the code, let us tell you that exercise is the simple answer. You need to practice certain exercises which directly target glute muscles and help to strengthen your butt too. Let’s share with you some butt exercises, suggested by celebrity Pilates…


Added by L Smith on July 5, 2022 at 9:23am — No Comments

Comment faire l'exercice Dead Bug pour renforcer vos abdominaux et vos obliques

L'exercice de bogue mort ne ressemble pas à un mouvement de base génial. Après tout, cela évoque probablement des cafards décédés ou des coléoptères morts, par opposition à un travail de force stellaire. En réalité, cependant, ce mouvement adapté aux débutants a beaucoup à offrir et il existe des tonnes de raisons impérieuses de l'ajouter à votre routine d'entraînement.

L'entraîneur personnel Evan Williams, CSCS, fondateur de E2G Performance à Chicago, utilise le bug mort avec tous…


Added by L Smith on July 2, 2022 at 6:06am — No Comments

A Quick Kettlebell Abs Workout That Targets Your Obliques

Core exercises don’t need to be bodyweight-only, and this quick kettlebell abs workout proves that adding resistance to the mix can be a great way to challenge those all-important muscles.

In this video, the fifth installment of Sweat With SELF’s new kettlebells series, you’ll complete a 20-minute core workout that’s focused on your rectus abdominis (the muscles that run vertically along the front of your abdomen) and your obliques (the muscles along the sides of your abdomen). Lee…


Added by L Smith on June 30, 2022 at 8:34am — No Comments

Kuinka tämä ravintoaine tukee sekä sydämen että aivojen terveyttä verenkierron kautta

Pidätpä itseäsi terveysharrastajana tai et, olet silti luultavasti kuullut omega-3-rasvahappojen eduista. Vaikka näiden rasvahappojen (jotka itse asiassa toimivat bioaktiivisina lipideinä!) on osoitettu parantavan sydämen terveyttä (erityisesti edistämällä tervettä verenpainetta, triglyseridi- ja HDL- tai "hyvää" kolesterolitasoa), usein huomiotta jätetty etu on niiden vaikutus verenkiertoon. ja verenkiertoon.* Omega-3-rasvahappojen vaikutus verenkiertoon on hyödyllinen paitsi sydämen…


Added by L Smith on June 27, 2022 at 1:04pm — No Comments

The Talk Test And The Lactate Threshold

GYM Workout Hard to Be Legend... - YouTube

You just might be able to talk yourself into being fitter and having more endurance.

Let’s start with the simple things first, lactic acid build up and the lactate threshold are not the same thing. The real term for what is euphemistically called lactic acid build up, what’s supposed to make it hard to push through an intense workout becuase of “the burn,” is lactic acidosis.

Lactic acid is always produced in some quantity, along with another intermediate…


Added by L Smith on June 25, 2022 at 8:41am — No Comments

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